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sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression returns different coefficients every time although random_state is set

I'm fitting a logistic regression model and am setting the random state to a fixed value.

Every time I do a "fit" I get different coefficients, example:

classifier_instance.fit(train_examples_features, train_examples_labels)
LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
          intercept_scaling=1, penalty='l2', random_state=1, tol=0.0001)

>>> classifier_instance.raw_coef_
array([[ 0.071101940040772596  ,  0.05143724979709707323,  0.071101940040772596  , -0.04089477198935181912, -0.0407380696457252528 ,  0.03622160087086594843,  0.01055345545606742319,
         0.01071861708285645406, -0.36248634699444892693, -0.06159019047096317423,  0.02370064668025737009,  0.02370064668025737009, -0.03159781822495803805,  0.11221150783553821006,
         0.02728295348681779309,  0.071101940040772596  ,  0.071101940040772596  ,  0.                    ,  0.10882033432637286396,  0.64630314505709030026,  0.09617956519989406816,
         0.0604133873444507169 ,  0.                    ,  0.04111685986987245051,  0.                    ,  0.                    ,  0.18312324521915510078,  0.071101940040772596  ,
         0.071101940040772596  ,  0.                    , -0.59561802045324663268, -0.61490898457874587635,  1.07812569991461248975,  0.071101940040772596  ]])

classifier_instance.fit(train_examples_features, train_examples_labels)
LogisticRegression(C=1.0, class_weight=None, dual=False, fit_intercept=True,
          intercept_scaling=1, penalty='l2', random_state=1, tol=0.0001)

>>> classifier_instance.raw_coef_
array([[ 0.07110193825129411394,  0.05143724970282205489,  0.07110193825129411394, -0.04089477178162870957, -0.04073806899140903354,  0.03622160048165772028,  0.010553455400928528  ,
         0.01071860364222424096, -0.36248635488413910588, -0.06159021545062405567,  0.02370064608376460866,  0.02370064608376460866, -0.03159783710841745225,  0.11221149816037970237,
         0.02728295411479400578,  0.07110193825129411394,  0.07110193825129411394,  0.                    ,  0.10882033461822394893,  0.64630314701686075729,  0.09617956493834901865,
         0.06041338563697066372,  0.                    ,  0.04111676713793514099,  0.                    ,  0.                    ,  0.18312324401049043243,  0.07110193825129411394,
         0.07110193825129411394,  0.                    , -0.59561803345113684127, -0.61490899867901249731,  1.07812569539027203191,  0.07110193825129411394]])

I'm using version 0.14, the docs specify "The underlying C implementation uses a random number generator to select features when fitting the model. It is thus not uncommon, to have slightly different results for the same input data. If that happens, try with a smaller tol parameter."

I thought that setting the random state would make sure there is no randomness but apparently this is not the case. Is this a bug or desired behavior?

like image 433
jonathans Avatar asked Jun 26 '14 07:06


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2 Answers

It's not really desired, but it's a known issue that is very hard to fix. The thing is that LogisticRegression models are trained with Liblinear, which does not allow setting its random seed in a completely robust way. When you explicitly set the random_state, a best effort is made to set Liblinear's random seed, but that may fail.

like image 50
Fred Foo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09

Fred Foo

I was baffled by the problem as well, but eventually found that it was also necessary to call numpy.random.seed() to set the state of numpy's internal RNG, in addition to passing random_state.

This was tested with sklearn 0.13.1.

like image 24
Marcus Gröber Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09

Marcus Gröber