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Sklearn TFIDF vectorizer to run as parallel jobs

How run sklearn TFIDF vectorizer (and COUNT vectorizer) to run as parallel jobs? Something similar to n_jobs=-1 parameter in other sklearn models.

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sbalajis Avatar asked Feb 08 '15 17:02


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1 Answers

This is not directly possible because there is no way to parallelize/distribute access to the vocabulary that is needed for these vectorizers.

To perform parallel document vectorization, use the HashingVectorizer instead. The scikit docs provide an example using this vectorizer to train (and evaluate) a classifier in batches. A similar workflow also works for parallelization because input terms are mapped to the same vector indices without any communication between the parallel workers.

Simply compute the partial term-doc matrices separately and concatenate them once all jobs are done. At this point you may also run TfidfTransformer on the concatenated matrix.

The most significant drawback of not storing the vocabulary of input terms, is that it is difficult to find out which terms are mapped to which column in the final matrix (i.e. inverse transform). The only efficient mapping is to use the hashing function on a term to see which column/index it is assigned to. For an inverse transform, you would need to do this for all unique terms (i.e. your vocabulary).

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AliOli Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09
