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Sklearn Pipeline: Get feature names after OneHotEncode In ColumnTransformer

I want to get feature names after I fit the pipeline.

categorical_features = ['brand', 'category_name', 'sub_category'] categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[     ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')),     ('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))])      numeric_features = ['num1', 'num2', 'num3', 'num4'] numeric_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[     ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),     ('scaler', StandardScaler())])  preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(     transformers=[         ('num', numeric_transformer, numeric_features),         ('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)]) 


clf = Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessor', preprocessor),                       ('regressor', GradientBoostingRegressor())]) 

After fitting with pandas dataframe, I can get feature importances from


and I tried clf.steps[0][1].get_feature_names() but I got an error

AttributeError: Transformer num (type Pipeline) does not provide get_feature_names. 

How can I get feature names from this?

like image 609
ResidentSleeper Avatar asked Feb 12 '19 09:02


People also ask

What does Columntransformer do in Sklearn?

Applies transformers to columns of an array or pandas DataFrame. This estimator allows different columns or column subsets of the input to be transformed separately and the features generated by each transformer will be concatenated to form a single feature space.

What is from Sklearn pipeline import Make_pipeline?

Construct a Pipeline from the given estimators. This is a shorthand for the Pipeline constructor; it does not require, and does not permit, naming the estimators. Instead, their names will be set to the lowercase of their types automatically.

How does Sklearn pipeline work?

The purpose of the pipeline is to assemble several steps that can be cross-validated together while setting different parameters. For this, it enables setting parameters of the various steps using their names and the parameter name separated by a '__' , as in the example below.

2 Answers

You can access the feature_names using the following snippet!

clf.named_steps['preprocessor'].transformers_[1][1]\    .named_steps['onehot'].get_feature_names(categorical_features) 

Using sklearn >= 0.21 version, we can make it more simpler:

clf['preprocessor'].transformers_[1][1]\     ['onehot'].get_feature_names(categorical_features) 

Reproducible example:

import numpy as np import pandas as pd from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression  df = pd.DataFrame({'brand': ['aaaa', 'asdfasdf', 'sadfds', 'NaN'],                    'category': ['asdf', 'asfa', 'asdfas', 'as'],                    'num1': [1, 1, 0, 0],                    'target': [0.2, 0.11, 1.34, 1.123]})  numeric_features = ['num1'] numeric_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[     ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='median')),     ('scaler', StandardScaler())])  categorical_features = ['brand', 'category'] categorical_transformer = Pipeline(steps=[     ('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='missing')),     ('onehot', OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown='ignore'))])  preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(     transformers=[         ('num', numeric_transformer, numeric_features),         ('cat', categorical_transformer, categorical_features)])  clf = Pipeline(steps=[('preprocessor', preprocessor),                       ('regressor',  LinearRegression())]) clf.fit(df.drop('target', 1), df['target'])  clf.named_steps['preprocessor'].transformers_[1][1]\    .named_steps['onehot'].get_feature_names(categorical_features)  # ['brand_NaN' 'brand_aaaa' 'brand_asdfasdf' 'brand_sadfds' 'category_as' #  'category_asdf' 'category_asdfas' 'category_asfa'] 
like image 186
Venkatachalam Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09


Scikit-Learn 1.0 now has new features to keep track of feature names.

from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler  # SimpleImputer does not have get_feature_names_out, so we need to add it # manually. This should be fixed in Scikit-Learn 1.0.1: all transformers will # have this method. # g SimpleImputer.get_feature_names_out = (lambda self, names=None:                                        self.feature_names_in_)  num_pipeline = make_pipeline(SimpleImputer(), StandardScaler()) transformer = make_column_transformer(     (num_pipeline, ["age", "height"]),     (OneHotEncoder(), ["city"])) pipeline = make_pipeline(transformer, LinearRegression())    df = pd.DataFrame({"city": ["Rabat", "Tokyo", "Paris", "Auckland"],                    "age": [32, 65, 18, 24],                    "height": [172, 163, 169, 190],                    "weight": [65, 62, 54, 95]},                   index=["Alice", "Bunji", "Cécile", "Dave"])    pipeline.fit(df, df["weight"])   ## get pipeline feature names pipeline[:-1].get_feature_names_out()   ## specify feature names as your columns pd.DataFrame(pipeline[:-1].transform(df),              columns=pipeline[:-1].get_feature_names_out(),              index=df.index) 
like image 21
ZAKARYA ROUZKI Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09