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Skipping heading levels in reStructuredText

Is it possible in some way to skip heading levels in RestructuredText? For example, given







Another section

Another Paragraph
The above heading seems to be rendered as a subsection-level heading...

The last paragraph gets rendered as a subsection instead of as a paragraph. (I am using Sphinx as a renderer.) So it seems section-level detecting is local, although the RestructuredText documentation says it should be consistent:

All section title styles need not be used, nor need any specific section title style be used. However, a document must be consistent in its use of section titles: once a hierarchy of title styles is established, sections must use that hierarchy.

like image 366
equaeghe Avatar asked Oct 31 '22 17:10


1 Answers

When running Sphinx 1.3 on the document in the question, a warning is emitted:

C:\path\to\test.rst:24: SEVERE: Title level inconsistent:

"Another Paragraph" is on line 24 and it gets rendered as a subsection heading because that is what Sphinx expects at that position.

So no, you cannot skip heading levels. That is also how I interpret the meaning of the passage about consistency quoted in the question.

like image 117
mzjn Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 15:11
