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Skip going back to direct parent activity when pressed back

I have got a small problem in an Android app I am working on :

There are 3 activities namely A , B , C and the invocation is in the following order : A -> B -> C. While in C, when I press BACK button, it should go back to A[Instead of the B by default]. And pressing BACK in A will exit the program.

I tried to call an intent from C to A. But in this case the call invocation gets into a loop : A -> B -> C -> A since the new activity is pushed on top of the stack. As a result, when BACK is pressed at A, instead of exiting [A is the start], it goes to C and then B and then back to A in a needless circle.

It would be great if someone could give a better way to address this loopy scenario!

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aswin akhilesh Avatar asked Apr 18 '12 04:04

aswin akhilesh

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2 Answers

Very simple!! When you are starting the activity C, from B, use B.finish(). Something like this.

Intent i = new Intent(B.this, C.class);

This will remove B from the stack!

like image 101
nithinreddy Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 06:10


Probably late, but for people who might find this in a search: You can add


to your activity B in your AndroidManifest. This will also avoid that the onActivityResult() method is called in activity B when C returns a result though. I'ts basically like B disappears as soon as you start C.

like image 26
Jess Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 08:10
