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Skip certain tables with mysqldump

You can use the --ignore-table option. So you could do

mysqldump -u USERNAME -pPASSWORD DATABASE --ignore-table=DATABASE.table1 > database.sql

There is no whitespace after -p (this is not a typo).

To ignore multiple tables, use this option multiple times, this is documented to work since at least version 5.0.

If you want an alternative way to ignore multiple tables you can use a script like this:

do :
   IGNORED_TABLES_STRING+=" --ignore-table=${DATABASE}.${TABLE}"

echo "Dump structure"
mysqldump --host=${HOST} --user=${USER} --password=${PASSWORD} --single-transaction --no-data --routines ${DATABASE} > ${DB_FILE}

echo "Dump content"
mysqldump --host=${HOST} --user=${USER} --password=${PASSWORD} ${DATABASE} --no-create-info --skip-triggers ${IGNORED_TABLES_STRING} >> ${DB_FILE}

Building on the answer from @Brian-Fisher and answering the comments of some of the people on this post, I have a bunch of huge (and unnecessary) tables in my database so I wanted to skip their contents when copying, but keep the structure:

mysqldump -h <host> -u <username> -p <schema> --no-data > db-structure.sql
mysqldump -h <host> -u <username> -p <schema> --no-create-info --ignore-table=schema.table1 --ignore-table=schema.table2 > db-data.sql

The resulting two files are structurally sound but the dumped data is now ~500MB rather than 9GB, much better for me. I can now import these two files into another database for testing purposes without having to worry about manipulating 9GB of data or running out of disk space.

for multiple databases:

mysqldump -u user -p --ignore-table=db1.tbl1 --ignore-table=db2.tbl1 --databases db1 db2 ..

Another example for ignoring multiple tables

/usr/bin/mysqldump -uUSER -pPASS --ignore-table={db_test.test1,db_test.test3} db_test> db_test.sql

using --ignore-table and create an array of tables, with syntaxs like



Import database

 # if file is .sql
 mysql -uUSER  -pPASS db_test < backup_database.sql
 # if file is .sql.gz
 gzip -dc < backup_database.sql.gz | mysql -uUSER -pPASSWORD db_test

Simple script to ignore tables and export in .sql.gz to save space


#tables to ignore

#create text for ignore tables
_TDELIMITED="$(IFS=" "; echo "${_TIGNORE[*]/#/--ignore-table=}")"

#don't forget to include user and password
/usr/bin/mysqldump -uUSER -pPASSWORD --events ${_TDELIMITED} --databases my_database | gzip -v > backup_database.sql.gz

Links with information that will help you

  • mysqldump & gzip
  • mysqldump to a tar.gz
  • How do I load a sql.gz file to my database?

Note: tested in ubuntu server with mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.55

To exclude some table data, but not the table structure. Here is how I do it:

Dump the database structure of all tables, without any data:

mysqldump -u user -p --no-data database > database_structure.sql

Then dump the database with data, except the excluded tables, and do not dump the structure:

mysqldump -u user -p --no-create-info \
    --ignore-table=database.table1 \
    --ignore-table=database.table2 database > database_data.sql

Then, to load it into a new database:

mysql -u user -p newdatabase < database_structure.sql
mysql -u user -p newdatabase < database_data.sql

You can use the mysqlpump command with the


command. It specifies a comma-separated list of tables to exclude.

Syntax of mysqlpump is very similar to mysqldump, buts its way more performant. More information of how to use the exclude option you can read here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/mysqlpump.html#mysqlpump-filtering