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Skip and Take not working for an IQueryable datasource

I have a common method across all objects in my service layer named "GetBaseEntity". This basically has a definition of:

public IQueryable<TEntity> GetBaseEntity(bool includeNavigation = true, bool isAdmin = false)
    var objBase = _context.EntityName;

    if (isAdmin)
        return objBase;

    return objBase.Where(x => x.IsActive == true && x.IsDeleted == false);

This returns an IQueryable of type TEntity. I want to dynamically pass the pagination options in a method so I implemented it this way:

public async Task<IEnumerable<EntityDto>> LoadResources(PagingOptions pagingOptions)
    var baseQuery = GetBaseEntity();

    if (pagingOptions != null)
            .Skip(pagingOptions.Page.Value * pagingOptions.Limit.Value)

    // I can actually return from this part but I just
    // set it to a variable to see how many rows the query will return
    var query = await baseQuery

        return query;

However, the query still returns the whole set. My assumption is that the GetBaseEntity() just set-up the query but the execution applies on the LoadResourcesMethod where I applied the ToListAsync() in the LoadResources method.

I have tried the following but it didn't work:

1) not chaining the query (IQueryable with Entity Framework - order, where, skip and take have no effect)

if (pagingOptions != null) {
    baseQuery.Skip(pagingOptions.Page.Value * pagingOptions.Limit.Value);

2) adding an "OrderBy" (WEB API IQueryable skip() take())

    var query = await baseQuery
    .OrderBy(x => x.Id)

    return query;

Any help on building a dynamic pagination from an IQueryable source?

like image 434
Patrick Avatar asked Jun 04 '19 16:06


1 Answers

You are not updating your query in case of pagination. Skip and Take return a new IEnumerable as a result, instead of modifying the existing one in place. So, you should replace this line:

   .Skip(pagingOptions.Page.Value * pagingOptions.Limit.Value)


baseQuery = baseQuery
   .Skip(pagingOptions.Page.Value * pagingOptions.Limit.Value)

This way, you assign the new query value to the baseQuery and then when you enumerate it, it will return the expected entities.

like image 159
Marko Papic Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 06:11

Marko Papic