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skew normal distribution in scipy


Does anyone know how to plot a skew normal distribution with scipy? I supose that stats.norm class can be used but I just can't figure out how. Furthermore, how can I estimate the parameters describing the skew normal distribution of a unidimensional dataset?

like image 948
Ben2209 Avatar asked May 04 '11 14:05


People also ask

What is the skew of a normal distribution?

The skewness for a normal distribution is zero, and any symmetric data should have a skewness near zero. Negative values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed left and positive values for the skewness indicate data that are skewed right.

What is Skewnorm?

skewnorm takes a real number as a skewness parameter When a = 0 the distribution is identical to a normal distribution ( norm ). rvs implements the method of [1]. The probability density above is defined in the “standardized” form. To shift and/or scale the distribution use the loc and scale parameters.

1 Answers

From the Wikipedia description,

from scipy import linspace from scipy import pi,sqrt,exp from scipy.special import erf  from pylab import plot,show  def pdf(x):     return 1/sqrt(2*pi) * exp(-x**2/2)  def cdf(x):     return (1 + erf(x/sqrt(2))) / 2  def skew(x,e=0,w=1,a=0):     t = (x-e) / w     return 2 / w * pdf(t) * cdf(a*t)     # You can of course use the scipy.stats.norm versions     # return 2 * norm.pdf(t) * norm.cdf(a*t)   n = 2**10  e = 1.0 # location w = 2.0 # scale  x = linspace(-10,10,n)   for a in range(-3,4):     p = skew(x,e,w,a)     plot(x,p)  show() 

If you want to find the scale, location, and shape parameters from a dataset use scipy.optimize.leastsq, for example using e=1.0,w=2.0 and a=1.0,

fzz = skew(x,e,w,a) + norm.rvs(0,0.04,size=n) # fuzzy data  def optm(l,x):     return skew(x,l[0],l[1],l[2]) - fzz  print leastsq(optm,[0.5,0.5,0.5],(x,)) 

should give you something like,

(array([ 1.05206154,  1.96929465,  0.94590444]), 1) 
like image 73
lafras Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10
