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Skeletonization in opencv



Is there any specific function that can be used in opencv for skeletonization? Besides, i searched for some time and want to know if opencv implements voronoi-skeleton (seems like there is but is it really are)?

like image 766
Mzk Avatar asked Sep 19 '12 05:09


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Figure 5: In OpenCV, pixels are accessed by their (x, y)-coordinates. The origin, (0, 0), is located at the top-left of the image. OpenCV images are zero-indexed, where the x-values go left-to-right (column number) and y-values go top-to-bottom (row number).

1 Answers

It looks like Voronoi-Skeleton is implemented in the _cvConstructSkeleton() and _cvLee() functions in opencv/src/cvaux/cvlee.cpp.

I haven't seen any official documentation about how to use this functionality in OpenCV. Since cvlee.cpp is in the cvaux folder, I think these may be experimental OpenCV functions.

like image 55
solvingPuzzles Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10
