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size/length limitation of array type in PostgreSQL

I'm working on a web project with PostgreSQL as a databases. I'm trying to build a structure of the web's databases that include a vector space model table. I created a table with attribute terms and docId[] where docId is the document ID of the term. Type of the docId is integer[]. So I can input a term with the document list that include the term in one single array. But the docId's array of term may contain a lot of entries.

So my question is: what is the max size of a 1-dimension array in Postgres?

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aditsud Avatar asked Apr 21 '15 07:04


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1 Answers

There is no size limit on Postgres arrays. There must be limits on row or column size, but that would run in the millions of entries.

A more SQL way to relate term to document is a 1 to many relation. This is implemented like:

table term: columns term_id, term, document_id
table document: columns document_id, summary, ...

The document_id column in the term table is called a foreign key.

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Andomar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 04:09
