I have a sitecore workflow. When I approve an item with the Approve button right next to the item it asks for comment. When I approve multiple items using the Approve (selected) or Approve (all) buttons it does not ask for comment. Why is that? Can I make it ask for comment and associate that comment with all the items that being approved? Thanks
In order to enable comments for Selected
or All
items you need to:
to Website\sitecore\shell\Override\
directory and change <CodeBeside Type="..." />
to <CodeBeside Type="My.Assembly.Namespace.WorkboxForm,My.Assembly" />
where My.Assembly
and My.Assembly.Namespace
matches your project.WorkboxForm
that will override Sitecore WorkboxForm
and match Type
from point 1. and use the edited code of WorkBox
form:using Sitecore;
using Sitecore.Data;
using Sitecore.Data.Items;
using Sitecore.Diagnostics;
using Sitecore.Exceptions;
using Sitecore.Globalization;
using Sitecore.Resources;
using Sitecore.Shell.Framework.CommandBuilders;
using Sitecore.Text;
using Sitecore.Web;
using Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using Sitecore.Web.UI.Sheer;
using Sitecore.Web.UI.XmlControls;
using Sitecore.Workflows;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Text;
namespace My.Assembly.Namespace
public class WorkboxForm : Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Workbox.WorkboxForm
private NameValueCollection stateNames;
public void CommentMultiple(ClientPipelineArgs args)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
if (!args.IsPostBack)
Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Input("Enter a comment:", string.Empty);
else if (args.Result.Length > 2000)
Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.ShowError(new Exception(string.Format("The comment is too long.\n\nYou have entered {0} characters.\nA comment cannot contain more than 2000 characters.", args.Result.Length)));
Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Input("Enter a comment:", string.Empty);
if (args.Result == null || args.Result == "null" || args.Result == "undefined")
IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider;
if (workflowProvider == null)
IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["workflowid"] as string);
if (workflow == null)
string stateId = (string)Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ws"];
string command = (string)Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["command"];
string[] itemRefs = ((string)Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ids"] ?? string.Empty).Split(new[] { "::" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
bool flag = false;
int num = 0;
foreach (string itemRef in itemRefs)
string[] strArray = itemRef.Split(new[] { ',' });
Item items = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[strArray[0], Language.Parse(strArray[1]), Sitecore.Data.Version.Parse(strArray[2])];
if (items != null)
WorkflowState state = workflow.GetState(items);
if (state.StateID == stateId)
workflow.Execute(command, items, args.Result, true, new object[0]);
catch (WorkflowStateMissingException)
flag = true;
if (flag)
SheerResponse.Alert("One or more items could not be processed because their workflow state does not specify the next step.", new string[0]);
if (num == 0)
Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Alert("There are no selected items.");
UrlString urlString = new UrlString(WebUtil.GetRawUrl());
urlString["reload"] = "1";
public override void HandleMessage(Message message)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message");
switch (message.Name)
case "workflow:sendselectednew":
case "workflow:sendallnew":
protected override void DisplayState(IWorkflow workflow, WorkflowState state, DataUri[] items, System.Web.UI.Control control, int offset, int pageSize)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(state, "state");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(items, "items");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(control, "control");
if (items.Length <= 0)
int num = offset + pageSize;
if (num > items.Length)
num = items.Length;
for (int index = offset; index < num; ++index)
Item obj = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[items[index]];
if (obj != null)
CreateItem(workflow, obj, control);
Border border1 = new Border();
border1.Background = "#e9e9e9";
Border border2 = border1;
border2.Margin = "0px 4px 0px 16px";
border2.Padding = "2px 8px 2px 8px";
border2.Border = "1px solid #999999";
foreach (WorkflowCommand workflowCommand in WorkflowFilterer.FilterVisibleCommands(workflow.GetCommands(state.StateID)))
XmlControl xmlControl1 = (XmlControl) Resource.GetWebControl("WorkboxCommand");
Assert.IsNotNull(xmlControl1, "workboxCommand is null");
xmlControl1["Header"] = (workflowCommand.DisplayName + " " + Translate.Text("(selected)"));
xmlControl1["Icon"] = workflowCommand.Icon;
xmlControl1["Command"] = ("workflow:sendselectednew(command=" + workflowCommand.CommandID + ",ws=" + state.StateID + ",wf=" + workflow.WorkflowID + ")");
XmlControl xmlControl2 = (XmlControl) Resource.GetWebControl("WorkboxCommand");
Assert.IsNotNull(xmlControl2, "workboxCommand is null");
xmlControl2["Header"] = (workflowCommand.DisplayName + " " + Translate.Text("(all)"));
xmlControl2["Icon"] = workflowCommand.Icon;
xmlControl2["Command"] = ("workflow:sendallnew(command=" + workflowCommand.CommandID + ",ws=" + state.StateID + ",wf=" + workflow.WorkflowID + ")");
private static void CreateCommand(IWorkflow workflow, WorkflowCommand command, Item item, XmlControl workboxItem)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(command, "command");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workboxItem, "workboxItem");
XmlControl xmlControl = (XmlControl) Resource.GetWebControl("WorkboxCommand");
Assert.IsNotNull(xmlControl, "workboxCommand is null");
xmlControl["Header"] = command.DisplayName;
xmlControl["Icon"] = command.Icon;
CommandBuilder commandBuilder = new CommandBuilder("workflow:send");
commandBuilder.Add("id", item.ID.ToString());
commandBuilder.Add("la", item.Language.Name);
commandBuilder.Add("vs", item.Version.ToString());
commandBuilder.Add("command", command.CommandID);
commandBuilder.Add("wf", workflow.WorkflowID);
commandBuilder.Add("ui", command.HasUI);
commandBuilder.Add("suppresscomment", command.SuppressComment);
xmlControl["Command"] = commandBuilder.ToString();
private void CreateItem(IWorkflow workflow, Item item, System.Web.UI.Control control)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(control, "control");
XmlControl workboxItem = (XmlControl) Resource.GetWebControl("WorkboxItem");
Assert.IsNotNull(workboxItem, "workboxItem is null");
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(" - (");
Language language = item.Language;
stringBuilder.Append(", ");
stringBuilder.Append(' ');
Assert.IsNotNull(workboxItem, "workboxItem");
workboxItem["Header"] = item.DisplayName;
workboxItem["Details"] = (stringBuilder).ToString();
workboxItem["Icon"] = item.Appearance.Icon;
workboxItem["ShortDescription"] = item.Help.ToolTip;
workboxItem["History"] = GetHistory(workflow, item);
workboxItem["HistoryMoreID"] = Control.GetUniqueID("ctl");
workboxItem["HistoryClick"] = ("workflow:showhistory(id=" + item.ID + ",la=" + item.Language.Name + ",vs=" + item.Version + ",wf=" + workflow.WorkflowID + ")");
workboxItem["PreviewClick"] = ("Preview(\"" + item.ID + "\", \"" + item.Language + "\", \"" + item.Version + "\")");
workboxItem["Click"] = ("Open(\"" + item.ID + "\", \"" + item.Language + "\", \"" + item.Version + "\")");
workboxItem["DiffClick"] = ("Diff(\"" + item.ID + "\", \"" + item.Language + "\", \"" + item.Version + "\")");
workboxItem["Display"] = "none";
string uniqueId = Control.GetUniqueID(string.Empty);
workboxItem["CheckID"] = ("check_" + uniqueId);
workboxItem["HiddenID"] = ("hidden_" + uniqueId);
workboxItem["CheckValue"] = (item.ID + "," + item.Language + "," + item.Version);
foreach (WorkflowCommand command in WorkflowFilterer.FilterVisibleCommands(workflow.GetCommands(item)))
CreateCommand(workflow, command, item, workboxItem);
private string GetHistory(IWorkflow workflow, Item item)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(item, "item");
WorkflowEvent[] history = workflow.GetHistory(item);
string str;
if (history.Length > 0)
WorkflowEvent workflowEvent = history[history.Length - 1];
string text = workflowEvent.User;
string name = Context.Domain.Name;
if (text.StartsWith(name + "\\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
text = StringUtil.Mid(text, name.Length + 1);
str = string.Format(Translate.Text("{0} changed from <b>{1}</b> to <b>{2}</b> on {3}."),
}), GetStateName(workflow, workflowEvent.OldState),
GetStateName(workflow, workflowEvent.NewState),
DateUtil.FormatDateTime(workflowEvent.Date, "D", Context.User.Profile.Culture));
str = Translate.Text("No changes have been made.");
return str;
private static DataUri[] GetItems(WorkflowState state, IWorkflow workflow)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(state, "state");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
DataUri[] items = workflow.GetItems(state.StateID);
if (items != null)
foreach (DataUri index in items)
Item obj = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[index];
if (obj != null && obj.Access.CanRead() && (obj.Access.CanReadLanguage() && obj.Access.CanWriteLanguage()) && (Context.IsAdministrator || obj.Locking.CanLock() || obj.Locking.HasLock()))
return arrayList.ToArray(typeof(DataUri)) as DataUri[];
private string GetStateName(IWorkflow workflow, string stateID)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(workflow, "workflow");
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(stateID, "stateID");
if (stateNames == null)
stateNames = new NameValueCollection();
foreach (WorkflowState workflowState in workflow.GetStates())
stateNames.Add(workflowState.StateID, workflowState.DisplayName);
return StringUtil.GetString(new[] {stateNames[stateID], "?"});
private void SendAll(Message message)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message");
IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider;
if (workflowProvider == null)
string workflowID = message["wf"];
string stateID = message["ws"];
IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(workflowID);
if (workflow == null)
WorkflowState state = workflow.GetState(stateID);
DataUri[] items = GetItems(state, workflow);
Assert.IsNotNull(items, "uris is null");
string comments = state != null ? state.DisplayName : string.Empty;
bool flag = false;
foreach (DataUri index in items)
Item obj = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[index];
if (obj != null)
workflow.Execute(message["command"], obj, comments, true, new object[0]);
catch (WorkflowStateMissingException)
flag = true;
if (flag)
SheerResponse.Alert("One or more items could not be processed because their workflow state does not specify the next step.", new string[0]);
UrlString urlString = new UrlString(WebUtil.GetRawUrl());
urlString["reload"] = "1";
private void SendAllNew(Message message)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message");
IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider;
if (workflowProvider == null)
string workflowID = message["wf"];
string stateID = message["ws"];
IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(workflowID);
if (workflow == null)
if (message["ui"] != "1")
if (message["suppresscomment"] != "1")
string ids = String.Empty;
WorkflowState state = workflow.GetState(stateID);
DataUri[] items = GetItems(state, workflow);
foreach (DataUri dataUri in items)
ids += dataUri.ItemID + "," + dataUri.Language + "," + dataUri.Version.Number + "," + "::";
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ids))
Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Alert("There are no selected items.");
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ids"] = ids;
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["language"] = message["la"];
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["version"] = message["vs"];
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["command"] = message["command"];
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ws"] = message["ws"];
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["workflowid"] = workflowID;
Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "CommentMultiple");
// no comment - use the old SendAll
private void SendSelectedNew(Message message)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message");
IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider;
if (workflowProvider == null)
string workflowID = message["wf"];
IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(workflowID);
if (workflow == null)
if (message["ui"] != "1")
if (message["suppresscomment"] != "1")
string ids = String.Empty;
foreach (string str2 in Context.ClientPage.ClientRequest.Form.Keys)
if (str2 != null && str2.StartsWith("check_", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
ids += Context.ClientPage.ClientRequest.Form["hidden_" + str2.Substring(6)] + "::";
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ids))
Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Alert("There are no selected items.");
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ids"] = ids;
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["language"] = message["la"];
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["version"] = message["vs"];
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["command"] = message["command"];
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["ws"] = message["ws"];
Context.ClientPage.ServerProperties["workflowid"] = workflowID;
Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "CommentMultiple");
// no comment - use the old SendSelected
private void SendSelected(Message message, string comment = null)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(message, "message");
IWorkflowProvider workflowProvider = Context.ContentDatabase.WorkflowProvider;
if (workflowProvider == null)
string workflowID = message["wf"];
string str1 = message["ws"];
IWorkflow workflow = workflowProvider.GetWorkflow(workflowID);
if (workflow == null)
int num = 0;
bool flag = false;
foreach (string str2 in Context.ClientPage.ClientRequest.Form.Keys)
if (str2 != null && str2.StartsWith("check_", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
string[] strArray = Context.ClientPage.ClientRequest.Form["hidden_" + str2.Substring(6)].Split(new [] { ',' });
Item obj = Context.ContentDatabase.Items[strArray[0], Language.Parse(strArray[1]), Sitecore.Data.Version.Parse(strArray[2])];
if (obj != null)
WorkflowState state = workflow.GetState(obj);
if (state.StateID == str1)
workflow.Execute(message["command"], obj, comment ?? state.DisplayName, true, new object[0]);
catch (WorkflowStateMissingException)
flag = true;
if (flag)
SheerResponse.Alert("One or more items could not be processed because their workflow state does not specify the next step.", new string[0]);
if (num == 0)
Context.ClientPage.ClientResponse.Alert("There are no selected items.");
UrlString urlString = new UrlString(WebUtil.GetRawUrl());
urlString["reload"] = "1";
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