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Sitecore item:created vs item:added

What is the difference between the events item:created vs item:added? When does each event get hit?

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M.R. Avatar asked Nov 07 '12 22:11


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2 Answers

Looking at the code of the Sitecore.Data.Events.ItemAddedDelegate you may read that this delegate is deprecated and you should use ItemCreatedDelegate instead. From my tests:

  1. Creating new item - both item:added and item:created are executed
  2. Cloning item - both item:added and item:created are executed
  3. Duplicating item - item:added is NOT executed, only item:created is executed

    namespace Sitecore.Data.Events
        [Obsolete("Use the ItemCreatedDelegate event instead.")]
        public delegate void ItemAddedDelegate(object sender, ItemAddedEventArgs args);

So in general, always use item:created

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Marek Musielak Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09

Marek Musielak

The item:added and item:created events seem similar, but Sitecore only fires item:added when a user creates an item through the UI, but it fires fires item:created when code creates items through APIs. Use item:added if you only need to trap manual item additions.

Reference: Taken from John West's blog post


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Jason Bert Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Jason Bert