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Site security regex handler? (PHP) [closed]

A company that I am working for asked me take one of their websites and make it a subdomain of another website. Then, they asked me to extend the "logged in/logged out" session control from their primary domain to their subdomain.

Having done this, I see that there are control/administration issues. Because of their vast number of individual pages, and because of their extensive directory structure, it is too involved for them to add a PHP snippet to each of their pages to redirect based on logged-in-status.

Here is my solution..please let me know of any problems or anything else that would help me along.

  1. I am going to use Mod_rewrite to redirect every request on the subdomin to a specific page (handler.php?requested_url=).
  2. I am going to make a "Site allow/forbid rules" section on their website. This section will contain one textbox with rules like this:

     +/weather/            ---> will allow anyone access to any url that contains "/weather/" somewhere within it, irregardless of logged-in status.
     -/weather/premium/    ---> will only allow access to a url that contains /weather/premium to logged-in users. 

    This will output to an array stored in a file rules.php which will look like this:

    $ruleList = array(); 
    $ruleList[] = '+/weather/'; 
    $ruleList[] = '-/weather/premium/';
  3. In handler.php, If the user is logged in I will forward them to the requested.url. If the user is not logged in, then I will begin by assuming that every page is restricted to non-logged in users. handler.php will parse the requested_url and check it against rules.php, to see if there are any explicit permissions set. Then if the rule allows non-logged-in access, it will forward the user to the requested_url, otherwise it will send them to the login page.

One problem I can see immediately, is that given that the Mod_rewrite rule will send every request to handler.php, how do I avoid an infinite loop?

Should the redirection be done by some method other than header("Location: ")?

Edit: Here is an update to my struggle:

Inside the .htaccess file of the top domain (example.com) I added:

    #Prevent catching requests for the sub1 subdomain
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^sub1\.example\.com
    RewriteRule .* – [L]

Then, inside the .htaccess for the sub1.example.com subdomain, I added the following:

    IndexIgnore *

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /path/to/base

    #Avoid infinite loop on outgoing requests
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^$
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^/?handler.php?$
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/?handler.php?$

        #Check for cookie. Redirect to handler if not found.  (not yet implemented)                               
        #RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !session_id
    RewriteRule (.*)$ handler.php?requested_url=$1 [NC,L,QSA]

Here is handler.php


        $url = $_REQUEST['requested_url'];

        //Check list of permissions. For now just assume permitted.
        $permitted = true;
        if ($url == "") $url = "http://sub1.example.com";   
        if ($permitted)
            header("Location: ".$url);
        header("Location: http://sub1.example.com");        


I am so close I can taste it. Unfortunately for the time being I am getting a "redirect loop" almost everywhere. If someone could give me a nudge in the right direction, I'd appreciate it!

like image 507
Mike Furlender Avatar asked Sep 22 '12 03:09

Mike Furlender

1 Answers

Just an idea but perhaps you don't need to struggle with mod_rewrite. If you want to handle everything from PHP anyway why not to add a prepend file into your VHOST?

php_value auto_prepend_file handler.php

It will be included before any PHP script and you can redirect if required.

like image 188
Lukasz Kujawa Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Lukasz Kujawa