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Sinon stub being skipped as node express middleware

I'm trying to test the behavior of a particular route. It continues to run the middleware even when I create a stub. I want the event authentication to simply pass for now. I understand that it's not truly a "unit" test at this point. I'm getting there. I've also simplified the code a little. Here is the code to test:

const { rejectUnauthenticated } = require('../modules/event-authentication.middleware');

router.get('/event', rejectUnauthenticated, (req, res) => {

Here is the middleware I am trying to skip:

const rejectUnauthenticated = async (req, res, next) => {
  const { secretKey } = req.query;
  if (secretKey) {
  } else {
    res.status(403).send('Forbidden. Must include Secret Key for Event.');

module.exports = {

The test file:

const chai = require('chai');
const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
const sinon = require('sinon');
let app;
const authenticationMiddleware = require('../server/modules/event-authentication.middleware');

const { expect } = chai;

describe('with correct secret key', () => {
  it('should return bracket', (done) => {
    sinon.stub(authenticationMiddleware, 'rejectUnauthenticated')
      .callsFake(async (req, res, next) => next());

    app = require('../server/server.js');

      .end((err, response) => {

I've tried following other similar questions like this: How to mock middleware in Express to skip authentication for unit test? and this: node express es6 sinon stubbing middleware not working but I'm still getting the 403 from the middleware that should be skipped. I also ran the tests in debug mode, so I know the middleware function that should be stubbed is still running.

Is this an issue with stubbing my code? Is this an ES6 issue?

Can I restructure my code or the test to make this work?

like image 600
Luke Schlangen Avatar asked Dec 19 '18 14:12

Luke Schlangen

2 Answers

There is an issue indeed with stubbing your code.

When you require your server file

const app = require('../server/server.js');

your app is get created with the whole set of middlewares, including rejectUnauthenticated, and a reference to the latter is stored inside app.

When you do

sinon.stub(authenticationMiddleware, 'rejectUnauthenticated')
  .callsFake(async (req, res, next) => next());

you replace the rejectUnauthenticated exported method of authenticationMiddleware module, but not the reference to original rejectUnauthenticated that is already stored.

The solution is to create the app (i.e. require('../server/server.js');) after you mock the exoprted middleware method:

const chai = require('chai');
const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');
const sinon = require('sinon');

// don't create app right away
let app;
const authenticationMiddleware = require('../server/modules/event-authentication.middleware');

const { expect } = chai;

describe('with correct secret key', () => {
  it('should return bracket', (done) => {
    sinon.stub(authenticationMiddleware, 'rejectUnauthenticated')
      .callsFake(async (req, res, next) => next());

    // method is stubbed, you can create app now
    app = require('../server/server.js');

      .end((err, response) => {
like image 81
Sergey Lapin Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10

Sergey Lapin

Based on @Sergey's suggestion, I did switch to Jest. At least for this specific case, it greatly simplified the implementation. For those interested, here is the end result:

const express = require('express');
const request = require('supertest');
const registrantRouter = require('../server/routers/registrant.router');

const { rejectUnauthenticated } = require('../server/modules/event-authentication.middleware');

const initRegistrantRouter = () => {
  const app = express();
  return app;

describe('GET /registrant', () => {
  test('It should 200 if event authentication passes', async (done) => {
    const app = initRegistrantRouter();
    rejectUnauthenticated.mockImplementation((req, res, next) => next());
    const res = await request(app).get('/event');
    expect(res).toHaveProperty('status', 200);
  test('It should 403 if event authentication fails', async (done) => {
    const app = initRegistrantRouter();
    rejectUnauthenticated.mockImplementation((req, res) => res.sendStatus(403));
    const res = await request(app).get('/event');
    expect(res).toHaveProperty('status', 403);

Thanks also to this helpful blog post about testing express apps with Jest: https://codewithhugo.com/testing-an-express-app-with-supertest-moxios-and-jest/

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Luke Schlangen Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Luke Schlangen