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Singletons and constants

I am making a program which makes use of a couple of constants. At first, each time I needed to use a constant, I'd define it as

private static readonly int MyConstant = xxx;

private static final int MyConstant = xxx;

in the class where I'd need it. After some time, I started to realise that some constants would be needed in more than one class.

At this time, I had 3 choises:

  1. To define them in the different classes that needed it. This leads to repetition. If by some reason later I need to change one of them, I'd have to check in all classes to replace them everywhere.
  2. To define a static class/singleton with all the constants as public.
  3. If I needed a constant X in ClassA, ClassB and ClassC, I could just define it in ClassA as public, and then have ClassB and ClassC refer to them. This solution doesn't seem that good to me as it introduces even more dependencies as the classes already have between them.

I ended up implementing my code with the second option. Is that the best alternative? I feel I am probably missing some other better alternative.

What worries me about using the singleton here is that it is nowhere clear to a user of the class that this class is using the singleton. Maybe I could create a ConstantsClass that held all the constants needed and then I'd pass it in the constructor to the classes that'd need it?


edit: I'm using this mostly for complex types, not ints and strings. At least in the C# case that makes a difference as it means I can't use the const keyword.

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devoured elysium Avatar asked May 02 '10 21:05

devoured elysium

1 Answers

No wording about C#, but in Java there are several ways to solve this problem.

  1. Change the access modifier to default (package-only) or public. The most straightforward solution.

  2. Group them in a package-private or public enum. Most straightforward if those values are related to each other. E.g. Role.ADMIN, Role.USER, Role.GUEST, etc.

  3. Declare them in a package-private or public interface and let the classes implement it. Only do this if those constants belong to some contract the classes have to adhere as well.

  4. Put them in properties files and load as private static final Properties and add a public static String getProperty(String key). Wrap this in some package-private or public Configuration class. More useful if those constants might be sensitive to changes which you could then control externally.

Constants doesn't require to be accessed by an instance, so the whole singleton idea makes no sense.

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BalusC Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 16:10
