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Single-threaded program profiles 15% of runtime in semaphore_wait_trap





On Mac OS using mono, if I compile and profile the program below, I get the following results:

% fsharpc --nologo -g foo.fs -o foo.exe
% mono --profile=default:stat foo.exe
Statistical samples summary
    Sample type: cycles
    Unmanaged hits:     336 (49.1%)
    Managed hits:       349 (50.9%)
    Unresolved hits:      1 ( 0.1%)
  Hits      % Method name
   154  22.48 Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SetTreeModule:height ...
   105  15.33 semaphore_wait_trap
    74  10.80 Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.SetTreeModule:add ...

Note the second entry, semaphore_wait_trap. Here is the program:

let main args = 
    let s = seq { 1..1000000 } |> Set.ofSeq
    s |> Seq.iter (fun _ -> ())

I looked in the source for the Set module, but I didn't find any (obvious) locking.

Is my single-threaded program really spending 15% of its execution time messing with semaphores? If it is, can I make it not do that and get a performance boost?

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Søren Debois Avatar asked Apr 11 '14 20:04

Søren Debois

1 Answers

According to Instruments, it's sgen/gc calling semaphore_wait_trap:

enter image description here

Sgen is documented as stopping all other threads while it collects:

Before doing a collection (minor or major), the collector must stop all running threads so that it can have a stable view of the current state of the heap, without the other threads changing it

In other words, when the code is trying to allocate memory and a GC is required, the time it takes shows up under semaphore_wait_trap since that's your application thread. I suspect the mono profiler doesn't profile the gc thread itself so you don't see the time in the collection code.

The germane output then is really the GC summary:

GC summary
    GC resizes: 0
    Max heap size: 0
    Object moves: 1002691
    Gen0 collections: 123, max time: 14187us, total time: 354803us, average: 2884us
    Gen1 collections: 3, max time: 41336us, total time: 60281us, average: 20093us

If you want your code to run faster, don't collect as often.

Understanding the actual cost of collection can be done through dtrace since sgen has dtrace probes.

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Tony Lee Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 10:10

Tony Lee