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Single SSL cert on multiple servers



People also ask

Can I share my SSL certificate to another server?

Yes, you can transfer an SSL certificate you bought elsewhere. If your site is coming from a host that uses cPanel, these can typically be extracted from cPanel directly or from the file manager.

Can I use the same SSL certificate on multiple ports?

Buying a second domain or SSL certificate isn't an option + my ceritifcate supports multiple ports on a single domain. IF it is just another port, you do not need another certificate, certificates match hostnames, irrespective to port.

Can I use a wildcard SSL on multiple servers?

Can I use a Wildcard SSL Certificate on multiple servers? Yes, a Wildcard SSL Certificate can be used on multiple servers.

How does SSL work between two servers?

In two-way SSL authentication, the client application verifies the identity of the server application, and then the server application verifies the identity of the client application. Both parties share their public certificates, and then validation is performed.

Certificates are bound to a hostname (or wildcard hostname), so you're fine using the same cert on multiple machines.

However, when requesting a certificate, you usually create a private key on one of the servers. This private key needs to be copied to all machines in addition to the actual certificate that you recieve.

One scenario is where you have www.domain.com resolving to an IP of a load-balancer, which in turn forwards the traffic to multiple servers. In that case, you only need a certificate for www.domain.com that you copy (with the private key) to all servers in your cluster.