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Single page design using Orchard CMS



I have a client who want's a single page design for his site where the content for each "page" is shown/hidden using javascript as the user navigates the site.

I'm not sure on the best way to approach this using Orchard. One option would be to have the content all on a single page content item but then you lose the ability to use the navigation features of Orchard and can't let the client think about administration in terms of pages.

Does anyone have ideas or experiences on how best to set this up in Orchard CMS?

Here's the solution I used based on Bertrand's advice:

public ActionResult Display(int id)
     var contentItem = _contentManager.Get(id, VersionOptions.Published);
     dynamic model = _contentManager.BuildDisplay(contentItem);
     var ctx = _workContextAccessor.GetContext();
     return new ShapeResult(this, model);

I created a new module with a controller containing the action method above. The action method takes a parameter for the content part id. The _contentManager and _workContextAccessor objects are being injected into the controller. The Layout.Null.cshtml view was created exactly like Bertrand suggested.

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joshb Avatar asked Oct 01 '11 15:10


1 Answers

Here's what I would do to achieve that sort of very polished experience without sacrificing SEO, client performance and maintainability: still create the site "classically" as a set of pages, blog posts, etc., with their own URLs. It's the home page layout that should then be different and bring the contents of those other pages using Ajax calls. One method that I've been using to display the same contents as a regular content item, but from an Ajax call (so without the chrome around the content, without bringing the stylesheet in, as it's already there, etc.) is to have a separate controller action that returns the contents in a "null layout":

var ctx = _workContextAccessor.GetContext();
return new ShapeResult(this, shape);

Then, I have a Layout.Null.cshtml file in my views that looks like this:


Clearing the wrappers removes the rendering from document.cshtml, and the template itself is only rendering one zone, Content. So what gets rendered is just the contents and nothing else. Ideal to inject from an ajax call.

Does this help?

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Bertrand Le Roy Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 14:11

Bertrand Le Roy