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Single Image picker in Flutter on iOS without permission

According to those SO questions: UIImagePickerController not asking for permission and No permission to pick a photo from the photo library

If you want to select one image on iOS, you don't have to ask for permission to do it as the app doesn't actually access the gallery.
However, I can't find a way of doing it Flutter. Packages like ImagePicker always ask for permission.

Has anyone succeeded in picking an image in Flutter on iOS without asking for permission?

like image 717
Marcin Szałek Avatar asked Apr 23 '21 06:04

Marcin Szałek

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1 Answers

From Apple documentation:

PHPickerViewController is a new picker that replaces UIImagePickerController. Its user interface matches that of the Photos app, supports search and multiple selection of photos and videos, and provides fluid zooming of content. Because the system manages its life cycle in a separate process, it’s private by default. The user doesn’t need to explicitly authorize your app to select photos, which results in a simpler and more streamlined user experience.

This library uses PHPickerViewController as seen here

like image 124
Jabbar Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09
