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Simulating the Knight Sequence Tour


I am currently trying to write a simple multi-threading program using Python. However I have run on to a bug I think I am missing. I am trying to simply write a program that uses a brute force approach the problem below:

How the knight must move...

As can be seen from the image there is a chess board where the knight travels all respective squares.

My approach is simply try each possible way where each possible way is a new thread. If in the end of the thread there is no possible moves count how many squares has been visited if it is equal to 63 write solution on a simple text file...

The code is as below:

from thread import start_new_thread import sys  i=1  coor_x = raw_input("Please enter x[0-7]: ") coor_y = raw_input("Please enter y[0-7]: ")  coordinate = int(coor_x), int(coor_y)    def checker(coordinates, previous_moves):      possible_moves = [(coordinates[0]+1, coordinates[1]+2), (coordinates[0]+1, coordinates[1]-2),                       (coordinates[0]-1, coordinates[1]+2), (coordinates[0]-1, coordinates[1]-2),                       (coordinates[0]+2, coordinates[1]+1), (coordinates[0]+2, coordinates[1]-1),                       (coordinates[0]-2, coordinates[1]+1), (coordinates[0]-2, coordinates[1]-1)]      to_be_removed = []      for index in possible_moves:         (index_x, index_y) = index         if index_x < 0 or index_x > 7 or index_y < 0 or index_y > 7:             to_be_removed.append(index)      for index in previous_moves:         if index in possible_moves:             to_be_removed.append(index)        if not to_be_removed:         for index in to_be_removed:             possible_moves.remove(index)       if len(possible_moves) == 0:         if not end_checker(previous_moves):             print "This solution is not correct"     else:         return possible_moves  def end_checker(previous_moves):     if len(previous_moves) == 63:         writer = open("knightstour.txt", "w")         writer.write(previous_moves)         writer.close()         return True     else:         return False   def runner(previous_moves, coordinates, i):     if not end_checker(previous_moves):         process_que = checker(coordinates, previous_moves)         for processing in process_que:             previous_moves.append(processing)             i = i+1             print "Thread number:"+str(i)             start_new_thread(runner, (previous_moves, processing, i))     else:         sys.exit()    previous_move = [] previous_move.append(coordinate)  runner(previous_move, coordinate, i) c = raw_input("Type something to exit !") 

I am open to all suggestions... My sample output is as below:

Please enter x[0-7]: 4 Please enter y[0-7]: 0 Thread number:2 Thread number:3 Thread number:4 Thread number:5Thread number:4 Thread number:5  Thread number:6Thread number:3Thread number:6Thread number:5Thread number:6 Thread number:7 Thread number:6Thread number:8  Thread number:7  Thread number:8Thread number:7  Thread number:8    Thread number:4 Thread number:5 Thread number:6Thread number:9Thread number:7Thread number:9 Thread number:10 Thread number:11 Thread number:7 Thread number:8 Thread number:9 Thread number:10 Thread number:11 Thread number:12 Thread number:5Thread number:5  Thread number:6 Thread number:7 Thread number:8 Thread number:9  Thread number:6 Thread number:7 Thread number:8 Thread number:9 

If seems for some reason the number of threads are stuck at 12... Any help would be most welcomed...

Thank you

like image 998
JohnRoach Avatar asked Feb 11 '14 12:02


1 Answers

Your so-called Quest of the Knights Who Say Ni problem, while a clever rephrasing for asking a Python question, is more widely known as the Knights Tour mathematical problem. Given that and the fact you're a math teacher, I suspect your question's likely a fool's errand (aka snipe hunt) and that you're fully aware of the following fact:

According to a section of Wikipedia's article on the Knights Tour problem:

5.1 Brute force algorithms

A brute-force search for a knight's tour is impractical on all but the
smallest boards; for example, on an 8x8 board there are approximately
4x1051 possible move sequences, and it is well beyond the capacity
of modern computers (or networks of computers) to perform operations
on such a large set.

Exactly 3,926,356,053,343,005,839,641,342,729,308,535,057,127,083,875,101,072 of them according to a footnote link.

like image 155
martineau Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
