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Simulating Screen capturing as a webcam?

Do we have a way to simulate a webcam driver, that will provide realtime captured screen (30 frames per sec) as it's output?

like image 471
amazedsaint Avatar asked Aug 04 '10 05:08


People also ask

Can OBS record screen and webcam at the same time?

If you want to record the desktop screen while recording the webcam or to record the game with your webcam shows up in the right-hand corner. Just click the plus under “Source” then choose “Display Capture” The OBS Studio will capture the graphic that shows up on your desktop by adding your monitor display as a source.

1 Answers

This is one of several features of ManyCam (free). It is a virtual webcam driver through which you can stream your real webcam video (with optional real-time video effects), video or image files, or your full/partial desktop.

like image 188
Lucas Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 11:10
