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Simulate php array language construct or parse with regexp?





From an external source I'm getting strings like


but also a larger arrays like

array("a", "b", "c", array("1", "2", array("A", "B")), array("3", "4"), "d")

I need them to be an actual array in php. I know I could use eval but since it are untrusted sources I'd rather not do that. I also have no control of the external sources.

Should I use some regular expressions for this (if so, what) or is there some other way?

like image 359
Nin Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 05:12


2 Answers

Whilst writing a parser using the Tokenizer which turned out not as easy as I expected, I came up with another idea: Why not parse the array using eval, but first validate that it contains nothing harmful?

So, what the code does: It checks the tokens of the array against some allowed tokens and chars and then executes eval. I do hope I included all possible harmless tokens, if not, simply add them. (I intentionally didn't include HEREDOC and NOWDOC, because I think they are unlikely to be used.)

function parseArray($code) {
    $allowedTokens = array(
        T_ARRAY                    => true,
        T_LNUMBER                  => true,
        T_DNUMBER                  => true,
        T_DOUBLE_ARROW             => true,
        T_WHITESPACE               => true,
    $allowedChars = array(
        '('                        => true,
        ')'                        => true,
        ','                        => true,

    $tokens = token_get_all('<?php '.$code);
    array_shift($tokens); // remove opening php tag

    foreach ($tokens as $token) {
        // char token
        if (is_string($token)) {
            if (!isset($allowedChars[$token])) {
                throw new Exception('Disallowed token \''.$token.'\' encountered.');

        // array token

        // true, false and null are okay, too
        if ($token[0] == T_STRING && ($token[1] == 'true' || $token[1] == 'false' || $token[1] == 'null')) {

        if (!isset($allowedTokens[$token[0]])) {
            throw new Exception('Disallowed token \''.token_name($token[0]).'\' encountered.');

    // fetch error messages
    if (false === eval('$returnArray = '.$code.';')) {
        throw new Exception('Array couldn\'t be eval()\'d: '.ob_get_clean());
    else {
        return $returnArray;

var_dump(parseArray('array("a", "b", "c", array("1", "2", array("A", "B")), array("3", "4"), "d")'));

I think this is a good comprimise between security and convenience - no need to parse yourself.

For example

parseArray('exec("haha -i -thought -i -was -smart")');

would throw exception:

Disallowed token 'T_STRING' encountered.
like image 163
NikiC Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 13:12


You could do:

json_decode(str_replace(array('array(', ')'), array('[', ']'), $string)));

Replace the array with square brackets. Then json_decode. If the string is just a multidimensional array with scalar values in it, then doing the str_replace will not break anything and you can json_decode it. If it contains any code, it will also replace the function brackets and then the Json won't be valid and NULL is returned.

Granted, that's a rather, umm, creative approach, but might work for you.

Edit: Also, see the comments for some further limitiations pointed out by other users.

like image 40
Gordon Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 12:12
