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Simplest way to download and unzip files in Node.js cross-platform?




Just looking for a simple solution to downloading and unzipping .zip or .tar.gz files in Node.js on any operating system.

Not sure if this is built in or I have to use a separate library. Any ideas? Looking for just a couple lines of code so when the next zip file comes that I want to download in node, it's a no brainer. Feel like this should be easy and/or built in, but I can't find anything. Thanks!

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Lance Avatar asked Apr 25 '12 01:04


People also ask

How do I unzip a node js file?

You can simply extract the existing zip files also by using "unzip". It will work for any size files and you need to add it as a dependency from npm. Please explain what unzip is and if it's a built in package or requires you to npm install it.

4 Answers

It's 2017 (October 26th, to be exact).

For an ancient and pervasive technology such as unzip I would expect there to exist a fairly popular, mature node.js unzip library that is "stagnant" and "unmaintained" because it is "complete".

However, most libraries appear either to be completely terrible or to have commits recently as just a few months ago. This is quite concerning... so I've gone through several unzip libraries, read their docs, and tried their examples to try to figure out WTF. For example, I've tried these:

  • thejoshwolfe/yauzl
  • antelle/node-stream-zip
  • ZJONSSON/node-unzipper
  • EvanOxfeld/node-unzip
  • Stuk/jszip
  • kriskowal/zip

Update 2020: Haven't tried it yet, but there's also archiver

Top Recommendation: yauzl

Works great for completely downloaded file. Not as great for streaming.

Well documented. Works well. Makes sense.

2nd Pick: node-stream-zip

antelle's node-stream-zip seems to be the best


npm install --save node-stream-zip


'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var StreamZip = require('node-stream-zip');

var zip = new StreamZip({
  file: './example.zip'
, storeEntries: true

zip.on('error', function (err) { console.error('[ERROR]', err); });

zip.on('ready', function () {
  console.log('All entries read: ' + zip.entriesCount);

zip.on('entry', function (entry) {
  var pathname = path.resolve('./temp', entry.name);
  if (/\.\./.test(path.relative('./temp', pathname))) {
      console.warn("[zip warn]: ignoring maliciously crafted paths in zip file:", entry.name);

  if ('/' === entry.name[entry.name.length - 1]) {
    console.log('[DIR]', entry.name);

  console.log('[FILE]', entry.name);
  zip.stream(entry.name, function (err, stream) {
    if (err) { console.error('Error:', err.toString()); return; }

    stream.on('error', function (err) { console.log('[ERROR]', err); return; });

    // example: print contents to screen

    // example: save contents to file
      { recursive: true },
      function (err) {

Security Warning:

Not sure if this checks entry.name for maliciously crafted paths that would resolve incorrectly (such as ../../../foo or /etc/passwd).

You can easily check this yourself by comparing /\.\./.test(path.relative('./to/dir', path.resolve('./to/dir', entry.name))).

Pros: (Why do I think it's the best?)

  • can unzip normal files (maybe not some crazy ones with weird extensions)
  • can stream
  • seems to not have to load the whole zip to read entries
  • has examples in normal JavaScript (not compiled)
  • doesn't include the kitchen sink (i.e. url loading, S3, or db layers)
  • uses some existing code from a popular library
  • doesn't have too much senseless hipster or ninja-foo in the code


  • Swallows errors like a hungry hippo
  • Throws strings instead of errors (no stack traces)
  • zip.extract() doesn't seem to work (hence I used zip.stream() in my example)

Runner up: node-unzipper


npm install --save unzipper


'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var unzipper = require('unzipper');

  .on('entry', function (entry) {
    var fileName = entry.path;
    var type = entry.type; // 'Directory' or 'File'

    if (/\/$/.test(fileName)) {
      console.log('[DIR]', fileName, type);

    console.log('[FILE]', fileName, type);

    // TODO: probably also needs the security check

    // NOTE: To ignore use entry.autodrain() instead of entry.pipe()


  • Seems to work in a similar manner to node-stream-zip, but less control
  • A more functional fork of unzip
  • Seems to run in serial rather than in parallel


  • Kitchen sink much? Just includes a ton of stuff that's not related to unzipping
  • Reads the whole file (by chunk, which is fine), not just random seeks
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coolaj86 Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10


Checkout adm-zip.

ADM-ZIP is a pure JavaScript implementation for zip data compression for NodeJS.

The library allows you to:

  • decompress zip files directly to disk or in-memory buffers
  • compress files and store them to disk in .zip format or in compressed buffers
  • update content of/add new/delete files from an existing .zip
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bryanmac Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10


Node has builtin support for gzip and deflate via the zlib module:

var zlib = require('zlib');

zlib.gunzip(gzipBuffer, function(err, result) {
    if(err) return console.error(err);


Edit: You can even pipe the data directly through e.g. Gunzip (using request):

var request = require('request'),
    zlib = require('zlib'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    out = fs.createWriteStream('out');

// Fetch http://example.com/foo.gz, gunzip it and store the results in 'out'

For tar archives, there is Isaacs' tar module, which is used by npm.

Edit 2: Updated answer as zlib doesn't support the zip format. This will only work for gzip.

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Linus Thiel Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10

Linus Thiel

I tried a few of the nodejs unzip libraries including adm-zip and unzip, then settled on extract-zip which is a wrapper around yauzl. Seemed the simplest to implement.


var extract = require('extract-zip')
extract(zipfile, { dir: outputPath }, function (err) {
   // handle err
like image 21
Simon Hutchison Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 21:10

Simon Hutchison