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Simpler population pyramid in ggplot2




I want to create a population pyramid with ggplot2. This question was asked before, but I believe the solution must be far simpler.

test <- (data.frame(v=rnorm(1000), g=c('M','F'))) require(ggplot2) ggplot(data=test, aes(x=v)) +      geom_histogram() +      coord_flip() +      facet_grid(. ~ g) 

Produces this image. In my opinion, the only step missing here to create a population pyramid is to invert the x axis of the first facet, so that is goes from 50 to 0, while keeping the second untouched. Can anyone help?

Population pyramid

like image 538
dmvianna Avatar asked Feb 04 '13 03:02


1 Answers

Here is a solution without the faceting. First, create data frame. I used values from 1 to 20 to ensure that none of values is negative (with population pyramids you don't get negative counts/ages).

test <- data.frame(v=sample(1:20,1000,replace=T), g=c('M','F')) 

Then combined two geom_bar() calls separately for each of g values. For F counts are calculated as they are but for M counts are multiplied by -1 to get bar in opposite direction. Then scale_y_continuous() is used to get pretty values for axis.

require(ggplot2) require(plyr)     ggplot(data=test,aes(x=as.factor(v),fill=g)) +    geom_bar(subset=.(g=="F")) +    geom_bar(subset=.(g=="M"),aes(y=..count..*(-1))) +    scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-40,40,10),labels=abs(seq(-40,40,10))) +    coord_flip() 


As argument subset=. is deprecated in the latest ggplot2 versions the same result can be atchieved with function subset().

ggplot(data=test,aes(x=as.factor(v),fill=g)) +    geom_bar(data=subset(test,g=="F")) +    geom_bar(data=subset(test,g=="M"),aes(y=..count..*(-1))) +    scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(-40,40,10),labels=abs(seq(-40,40,10))) +    coord_flip() 

enter image description here

like image 105
Didzis Elferts Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 03:10

Didzis Elferts