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SimpleJdbcTemplate and null parameters

I'm using SimpleJdbcTemplate and MapSqlParameterSource in the folowing way:

MapSqlParameterSource parameterSource = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameterSource.addValue("typeId", typeId, Types.BIGINT);

List<Long> ids = _jdbcTemplate.query(_selectIdByParameters, new EntityIdRowMapper(), parameterSource);

When typeId ( which is a Long ) is null, then the query looks in the following way:

SELECT id FROM XXX WHERE typeId = null

whereas I would expect it to generate


I've reported this issue and the response was that

You will have to provide the appropriate SQL statement based on your query parameters.

and as a consequence my code is littered with null checks.

Is there a more elegant way of handling null parameters sent to the SimpleJdbcTemplate?

like image 645
Robert Munteanu Avatar asked Jul 21 '09 07:07

Robert Munteanu

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1 Answers

They have a point - JdbcTemplate isn't a SQL interpreter, it just replaces your placeholders.

I suggest you construct your clause with a utility method, and concat it to the query string:

String createNullCheckedClause(String column, Object value) {
   String operator = (value == null ? "is" : "=");
   return String.format("(%s %s ?)", column, operator);


String query = "select * from table where " + createNullCheckedClause("col", x);

Not very pretty. Alternatively, perhaps you can configure MySQL to allow "= NULL", but I don't think that's an option.

like image 140
skaffman Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09
