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Simple.Data ORM. The multi-part identifier could not be bound

I'm using Simple.Data ORM. I'm trying to make a query from two joined tables. This query works fine:

dynamic alias;
var candidatesRec = db.dbo.Candidates
            .FindAll(db.dbo.Candidates.CommonOfferId == commonOfferId 
                        && db.dbo.CandidateProfiles.CandidateId == null)
            .LeftJoin(db.dbo.CandidateProfiles, out alias)
            .On(db.dbo.Candidates.Id == alias.CandidateId)

But when this line is added:

.Skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize)

I'm getting this exception:

The multi-part identifier \"dbo.CandidateProfiles.CandidateId\" could not be bound.

I was trying explicitly pass 0, 1 and few other numbers to Skip but I always get the same exception.

My test query should return 4 elements and I'm skipping 0 elements (it can be more in normal use).

Additional info: CandidateProfiles has foreign key from Candidates and it's CandidateId can be null.

Edit: We've done a workaround for this problem, but I'm really curious why this one won't work. Simple.Data looked fun at first, but now I'm not sure if I will use it in future

like image 623
Paweł Reszka Avatar asked Jul 20 '15 07:07

Paweł Reszka

People also ask

What is a multipart identifier?

A multipart identifier is any description of a field or table that contains multiple parts - for instance MyTable. SomeRow - if it can't be bound that means there's something wrong with it - either you've got a simple typo, or a confusion between table and column.

Could not be bound meaning?

could not be bound. The main reason for this error is that the source table cannot be found, for example if you have statement such as Table1. OrderDate, and then if you get error above, this means that Table1 cannot be found in the query.

What does Bound mean in SQL?

Bind parameters—also called dynamic parameters or bind variables—are an alternative way to pass data to the database. Instead of putting the values directly into the SQL statement, you just use a placeholder like ? , :name or @name and provide the actual values using a separate API call.

How do you fix subquery returned more than 1 value this is not permitted when the subquery follows != <= >= Or when the subquery is used as an expression?

Answer: This error message appears when you try to use subquery (correlated or not) that returns more than one value to the calling query. This usually indicates that there are duplicate entries in the column of a table where it's expected to be unique.

1 Answers

Here is an explanation of the SQL error from http://www.sql-server-helper.com/error-messages/msg-4104.aspx:

Another way of getting the error is when an alias has been assigned to a table referenced in the FROM clause of a statement and the table is used as a prefix of a column instead of using the alias.

While this isn't quite what's happening in your case, it's very close. The problem I see with your code sample is in the FindAll call:

        .FindAll(db.dbo.Candidates.CommonOfferId == commonOfferId 
                    && db.dbo.CandidateProfiles.CandidateId == null)
        .LeftJoin(db.dbo.CandidateProfiles, out alias)

Since the FindAll is using the fully qualified name "db.dbo.CandidateProfiles" and every other reference is using the alias defined in the subsequent LeftJoin, the occurrence in the generated where clause doesn't use the alias, and you end up with a mix and match of alias and explicit table references, that SQL doesn't like.

I think the reason that it only occurred in your case after the "Skip" was added, is that very different SQL ended up being generated (my guess is that only after the Skip was added was an alias actually used).

I don't understand the purpose of the CandidateProfiles.CandidateId == null condition (because combined with the condition in the On call I don't see how this would ever return any results), but I would suggest adding restrictions to the joined table in the On call so that it ends up in the on clause instead of the where clause (and then using the alias instead of the fully qualified name)

.LeftJoin(db.dbo.CandidateProfiles, out alias)  
.On(db.dbo.Candidates.Id == alias.CandidateId && alias.CandidateId == null)
like image 159
Dave Kidder Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 19:09

Dave Kidder