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Simple swift array append not working




I know this is going to be super elementary, but I have this piece of code:

var labels: [String]?

func initVC(image: Images){
    self.image = image

    let tempLabels = image.label?.allObjects as! [Labels]
    for i in 0..<tempLabels.count{


labels is in the public scope, so the function should have access to it, but when the loop runs through, labels is still nil with no elements.

When I po during debugging, tempLabels is as I expect it to be with 2 string elements.

I'm pretty sure this is a very simple problem, but I guess I'm just out of it right now.

like image 715
Latcie Avatar asked Jun 24 '16 00:06


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2 Answers

Labels has never been initialised. Change

var labels:[String]?


var labels:[String] = []
like image 111
Sam Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10


You are declaring the labels variable but never allowing it to store information. This means that it does not necessarily exist, since it is not initialized, and therefore cannot be used.

For it to be useable, you must initialize it

var labels:[String] = []
like image 28
GJZ Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10