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Simple scalable work/message queue with delay

I need to set up a job/message queue with the option to set a delay for the task so that it's not picked up immediately by a free worker, but after a certain time (can vary from task to task). I looked into a couple of linux queue solutions (rabbitmq, gearman, memcacheq), but none of them seem to offer this feature out of the box.

Any ideas on how I could achieve this?


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idevelop Avatar asked Mar 02 '10 15:03


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1 Answers

I've used BeanstalkD to great effect, using the delay option on inserting a new job to wait several seconds till the item becomes available to be reserved.

If you are doing longer-term delays (more than say 30 seconds), or the jobs are somewhat important to perform (abeit later), then it also has a binary logging system so that any daemon crash would still have a record of the job. That said, I've put hundreds of thousands of live jobs through Beanstalkd instances and the workers that I wrote were always more problematical than the server.

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Alister Bulman Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 02:10

Alister Bulman