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Simple Restful framework/client on iOS other than Restkit?

I have been playing around with Restkit for about a day now and its complexity is driving me insane.

I am looking for a simple, well maintained, restful client on iOS that can communicate with my web server written in rails. I only require the following: Easy call to CREATE/UPDATE/DELETE with flexibility to check the response code as well as the response body (I rely on the response body to set certain server related ids to my objects)

Unfortunately Resty doesn't' really support ARC so it's out of my realms right now.

Any recommendations?

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disappearedng Avatar asked May 28 '12 10:05


2 Answers

I highly recommend AFNetworking. It's small, fast, well maintained and easy to use.

In addition to AFNetworking there is also another lib that has been recently released called NSRails, which aims particularly to simplifying CRUD when using Rails. It is a newer lib though and personally I haven't used it, but it looks promising.

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bobbypage Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 17:11


Use NSURLSession and NSJSONSerialization to retrieve and parse your JSON, then use Github's Mantle framework for mapping that JSON to your ObjC classes. Mantle is far more straightforward than RestKit.

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bcattle Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 16:11
