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Simple query slow in Laravel, but insanely fast in database console

I have a very strange problem, that I cannot get my head around. I am using Laravel for my backend application, where I am running a very simple query on table with 30k records all with proper indexes on it. Here is the query:

DB::select('select * from Orders where ClientId = ?', [$id])

From the Laravel application this query runs for 1.2 seconds (The same thing is if I use Eloquent model.):

    "query" => "select * from Orders where ClientId = ?"
    "bindings" => array:1 [▼
      0 => "44087"
    "time" => 1015.2

The problem is, if I run THE SAME query inside the database console or PHPMyAdmin, the query takes approximate 20miliseconds.

I do not understand how is that possible since I am using the same database, same query, same computer and same connection to the database.

What can be the reason?

like image 967
Zaay Avatar asked Apr 07 '19 13:04


2 Answers

I would try debug the queries with the Debug Bar, to see how much time it takes, and which is taking longer,... It's very easy to use and install: https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-debugbar I think you are interested in DB administrations.. read this also,you can get some idea.good luck

like image 138
user11324665 Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 15:11


PHPMyAdmin will automatically add LIMIT for you.

This is because PHPMyAdmin will always by default paginate your query.

In your Laravel/Eloquent query, you are loading all 30k records in one go. It must take time.

To remedy this try pagination or chunking your query.

The total will take long, yes, but the chunks themselves will be very quick.

like image 6
Unamata Sanatarai Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 15:11

Unamata Sanatarai