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Simple "maximum value in array" and complexity calculations

I'm pretty new to this stuff and I need your help.

I should build an efficient simple algorithm which returns the maximum value in an array with size of n which contains the numbers 1,2,...n with repetitions.

Then I have to determine the best running time, average running time and worst running time.

So I have two questions:

  1. First of all I'm trying to understand what's the idea of requiring an efficient solution for this simple algorithm. As far as I understand I should only have a simple loop from 1 to n and look for the maximum value. Is the "efficient" algorithm points out that If I find the value n in the array I can stop searching more values because this is the maximum value in the array?

  2. How do I determine the best running time and average running time using the fact, while calculating the average running time, that It's a uniform distribution. That is, each cell in the array has a chance of 1/n to be the maximum value.

Thanks a lot in advance!

like image 878
SyndicatorBBB Avatar asked Oct 31 '12 13:10


People also ask

What is the complexity of maximum algorithm?

Time Complexity is O(n) and Space Complexity is O(1). For each pair, there are a total of three comparisons, first among the elements of the pair and the other two with min and max.

2 Answers

Best case - finding the max element as the first (O(1)), worst case - it is the last element checked (O(n)).

The tricky part is the average case.
To find the average case - we need the expected number of iterations!

Since you can stop after you find the maximum, we can split the problem into two parts:

  1. [0,n-1): Since on average (assuming uniform independent distribution for each element) - the number n has probability 1/n to be in each place, then the expected number of iterations for this part is 1/n + 2*((n-1)/n)/n + 3 * ((n-1)/n)^2/n + ... + (n-1) * ((n-1)/n)^(n-2)/n 1
    The above formula yields an ugly formula which is O(n)
  2. The last element is going to be checked if the first n-1 elements did not contain the value n: so you need to add to the above n* ((n-1)/n)^(n-1), which is O(n) as well (lim to infinity is 1/e * n).

This totals in O(n) average time solution.

(1): The formula for each element is j*((n-1)/n)^(j-1) * (1/n) because:

  • j - for the number of elements checked (number of iterations)
  • ((n-1)/n)^(j-1) - Probability that there is no n in the previous elements
  • (1/n) - Probability this number is n.
like image 152
amit Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 06:10


If there is no prior information about the array (e.g. it's sorted), then there is no worst case or best case, and You have to scan all the elements to find out the Max, and it takes O(n) times.

Also, knowing the probability distribution of getting max value for each cell is useless in general (unless it reduces your search space. e.g., If you know that only constant number of cells have non-zero probability of getting the max value, then you just need to search those cells and it takes constant time). Thus, in general

Best-case running time = Worst-case running time = average running time = O(n)

like image 39
nmoses Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 04:10
