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Simple HTML Preprocessor





Is there a simple HTML preprocessor available to use for existing HTML code, that I won't need to modify my existing html to conform with preprocessors syntax?

I'm developing a mobile app with a few pages built with html, however i've started having the problem of having to update each page for when making changes to similiar content (header, footer etc) I don't want to duplicate content and have mismatches, rather i'd like to use a preprocessor that has an include method (something like how php does it), so that I can include these similiar contents.

I've looked at stuff like HAML & Jade, but it seems they have a strict syntax you need to follow with indents and the sort or editing html to include pipes on each line, else things wont compile.

Like I said I have existing html I would just like to cut & paste my HTML into different files, include them and stick with that workflow as I think it's the simplest.

But if anyone has any other ideas how I can tackle my situation that is welcomed too.

like image 918
MikeyBeLike Avatar asked Aug 13 '14 07:08


People also ask

What is the best HTML preprocessor?

In the case of markups like HTML and CSS, the popular preprocessor includes Haml and Sass.

What is preprocessor in HTML and CSS?

A CSS preprocessor is a program that lets you generate CSS from the preprocessor's own unique syntax. There are many CSS preprocessors to choose from, however most CSS preprocessors will add some features that don't exist in pure CSS, such as mixin, nesting selector, inheritance selector, and so on.

What are the best CSS preprocessors?

Popular CSS preprocessors. There are three main CSS preprocessors at the time of writing this article: SASS, LESS, and Stylus. Most CSS preprocessors have similar features. Yet each one has its own unique way of completing the same task.

1 Answers

I guess since your requirement is to only include files that you don't need a full blown template system . You could take a look at gulp-include which is a gulp plugin to include files. Using gulp has the advantage that gulp comes with a watch feature to watch the file system for changes - whenever a change is detected a task can be triggered.

An example how your gulpfile.js could look like

var gulp = require('gulp');
var include = require('gulp-include');

gulp.task('template', function() {
  return gulp

gulp.task('dev', function() {
  gulp.watch('*.html', ['template']);

gulp.task('default', ['template']);

This gulpfile registers a 'template' task that takes all html files and processes the file's contents with the gulp-include plugin. The template task is registed as default gulp task. So if you invoke gulp without any command line args then the template task is run. The gulp 'dev' task allows you to run gulp dev from the command line that watches all html files for changes and triggers the template task whenever a html file changes.

The gulp include plugin scans your html files for something like

= include relative/path/to/file.html

and includes 'file.html' contents.

The include syntax is quite well documented on the gulp-include web site.

like image 148
saintedlama Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 13:09
