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simple_form_for: Removing root model name from params

When I create a form using simple_form_for @model, upon submit the post params has all the attributes grouped under params[model]. How do I get simple_form to drop this grouping and instead send it directly (under params root)?

<%= simple_form_for @user, do |f| %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.input :password %>
<%= f.submit %>

Now the name and password attributes would normally be sent under params[:user][:name], params[:user][:password] etc. How do I get simple_form to post these as params[:name], params[:password] etc.?


ps: In case you are wondering why I need this, the bulk of my app is to serve as an API and I have built a set of methods to validate a request which expect some attributes to be in root. In a rare instance (forgot password), I actually need to present a form and I am looking for a way to use these methods.

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lewstherin Avatar asked Oct 04 '22 20:10


1 Answers

you can explicitly define the name for an input by passing input_html to it:

  input_html: { name: :name }

(needed this myself for sending an resource to a thirdparty endpoint with redirect to my side which relied on the plain attribute names, but i actually wanted not to built up label and input via the tags ;) )

also see simple form builder impl

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jethroo Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10
