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Simple example of extending a Scala collection

I'm looking for a very simple example of subclassing a Scala collection. I'm not so much interested in full explanations of how and why it all works; plenty of those are available here and elsewhere on the Internet. I'd like to know the simple way to do it.

The class below might be as simple an example as possible. The idea is, make a subclass of Set[Int] which has one additional method:

class SlightlyCustomizedSet extends Set[Int] {
  def findOdd: Option[Int] = find(_ % 2 == 1)

Obviously this is wrong. One problem is that there's no constructor to put things into the Set. A CanBuildFrom object must be built, preferably by calling some already-existing library code that knows how to build it. I've seen examples that implement several additional methods in the companion object, but they're showing how it all works or how to do something more complicated. I'd like to see how to leverage what's already in the libraries to knock this out in a couple lines of code. What's the smallest, simplest way to implement this?

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Ben Kovitz Avatar asked Jun 19 '14 07:06

Ben Kovitz

People also ask

How do I extend a class in Scala?

To extend a class in Scala we use extends keyword. there are two restrictions to extend a class in Scala : To override method in scala override keyword is required. Only the primary constructor can pass parameters to the base constructor.

Can an object be extended in Scala?

Classes, case classes, objects, and (yes) traits can all extend no more than one class but can extend multiple traits at the same time. Unlike the other types, however, traits cannot be instantiated. Traits look about the same as any other type of class. However, like objects, they cannot take class parameters.

Can you extend multiple classes in Scala?

You can't extend multiple classes, but you can extend several traits. Unlike Java interfaces, traits can also include implementation (method definitions, data members, etc.). There is still a difference in that you can't instantiate a trait directly (similar to abstract classes in a way).

What is the difference between extends and with in Scala?

The first thing you inherit from can either be a trait or a class, using the extends keyword. You can define further inherited traits (and only traits) using the with keyword.

1 Answers

If you just want to add a single method to a class, then subclassing may not be the way to go. Scala's collections library is somewhat complicated, and leaf classes aren't always amenable to subclassing (one might start by subclassing HashSet, but this would start you on a journey down a deep rabbit hole).

Perhaps a simpler way to achieve your goal would be something like:

implicit class SetPimper(val s: Set[Int]) extends AnyVal {
  def findOdd: Option[Int] = s.find(_ % 2 == 1)

This doesn't actually subclass Set, but creates an implicit conversion that allows you to do things like:

Set(1,2,3).findOdd // Some(1)

Down the Rabbit Hole

If you've come from a Java background, it might be surprising that it's so difficult to extend standard collections - after all the Java standard library's peppered with j.u.ArrayList subclasses, for pretty much anything that can contain other things. However, Scala has one key difference: its first-choice collections are all immutable.

This means that they don't have add methods that modify them in-place. Instead, they have + methods that construct a new instance, with all the original items, plus the new item. If they'd implemented this naïvely, it'd be very inefficient, so they use various class-specific tricks to allow the new instances to share data with the original one. The + method may even return an object of a different type to the original - some of the collections classes use a different representation for small or empty collections.

However, this also means that if you want to subclass one of the immutable collections, then you need to understand the guts of the class you're subclassing, to ensure that your instances of your subclass are constructed in the same way as the base class.

By the way, none of this applies to you if you want to subclass the mutable collections. They're seen as second class citizens in the scala world, but they do have add methods, and rarely need to construct new instances. The following code:

class ListOfUsers(users: Int*) extends scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[Int] {
  this ++= users

  def findOdd: Option[Int] = find(_ % 2 == 1)

Will probably do more-or-less what you expect in most cases (map and friends might not do quite what you expect, because of the the CanBuildFrom stuff that I'll get to in a minute, but bear with me).

The Nuclear Option

If inheritance fails us, we always have a nuclear option to fall back on: composition. We can create our own Set subclass that delegates its responsibilities to a delegate, as such:

import scala.collection.SetLike
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom

class UserSet(delegate: Set[Int]) extends Set[Int] with SetLike[Int, UserSet] {
    override def contains(key: Int) = delegate.contains(key)
    override def iterator = delegate.iterator
    override def +(elem: Int) = new UserSet(delegate + elem)
    override def -(elem: Int) = new UserSet(delegate - elem)
    override def empty = new UserSet(Set.empty)
    override def newBuilder = UserSet.newBuilder
    override def foreach[U](f: Int => U) = delegate.foreach(f) // Optional
    override def size = delegate.size // Optional

object UserSet {
    def apply(users: Int*) = (newBuilder ++= users).result()
    def newBuilder = new Builder[Int, UserSet] {
        private var delegateBuilder = Set.newBuilder[Int]
        override def +=(elem: Int) = {
            delegateBuilder += elem
        override def clear() = delegateBuilder.clear()
        override def result() = new UserSet(delegateBuilder.result())

    implicit object UserSetCanBuildFrom extends CanBuildFrom[UserSet, Int, UserSet] {
        override def apply() = newBuilder
        override def apply(from: UserSet) = newBuilder

This is arguably both too complicated and too simple at the same time. It's far more lines of code than we meant to write, and yet, it's still pretty naïve.

It'll work without the companion class, but without CanBuildFrom, map will return a plain Set, which may not be what you expect. We've also overridden the optional methods that the documentation for Set recommends we implement.

If we were being thorough, we'd have created a CanBuildFrom, and implemented empty for our mutable class, as this ensures that the handful of methods that create new instances will work as we expect.

But that sounds like a lot of work...

If that sounds like too much work, consider something like the following:

case class UserSet(users: Set[Int])

Sure, you have to type a few more letters to get at the set of users, but I think it separates concerns better than subclassing.

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James_pic Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 08:09
