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Simple dynamic TSQL query syntax

This may be an easy answer but I've been staring at it for too long...

I have the following query that takes a stored procedure input parameter as a variable name and counts the records in that table. I'd like to retrieve the results of the dynamic statement (@toStartStr) into a variable (@toStart).

-- @tempTableName = SProc input parameter
DECLARE @toStartStr nvarchar(150);
DECLARE @toStart int;
SET @toStartStr = 'SELECT @toStart = COUNT(ID) FROM ' + @tempTableName;

Right now, an error suggests that @toStart cannot be concatenated with the string SELECT, but this is the gist of what I want. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? Or suggest an alternative? FYI SQL 2008 R2. Thanks.

like image 363
MTAdmin Avatar asked Jun 19 '12 20:06


People also ask

What is the syntax of dynamic query?

Syntax for dynamic SQL is to make it string as below : 'SELECT statement'; To run a dynamic SQL statement, run the stored procedure sp_executesql as shown below : EXEC sp_executesql N'SELECT statement';

What are dynamic SQL queries?

Dynamic SQL is a programming technique that enables you to build SQL statements dynamically at runtime. You can create more general purpose, flexible applications by using dynamic SQL because the full text of a SQL statement may be unknown at compilation.

How do you declare a dynamic variable in SQL?

First, declare two variables, @table for holding the name of the table from which you want to query and @sql for holding the dynamic SQL. Second, set the value of the @table variable to production. products . Fourth, call the sp_executesql stored procedure by passing the @sql parameter.

1 Answers



SET @sql = N'SELECT @toStart = COUNT(ID) FROM ' + QUOTENAME(@tempTableName);

EXEC sp_executesql @sql, N'@toStart INT OUTPUT', @toStart OUTPUT;

PRINT @toStart;

However there is a much easier and more efficient way to do this, if you're okay with ignoring current in-flight transactions (and you're using SQL Server 2005 or better - please specify the version when asking questions!).


SELECT @toStart = SUM(rows) 
  FROM sys.partitions
  WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(@tempTableName)
  AND index_id IN (0,1);

PRINT @toStart;

Just for completeness, here is a solution for SQL Server 2000, which also doesn't require any special privileges (just connect and member of public):


SELECT @toStart = [rows] 
  FROM sysindexes
  WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@tempTableName)
  AND indid IN (0,1);

PRINT @toStart;

That said, if you're using a count to determine what the next ID might be, or something like that, I think you're approaching this the wrong way, since rows can be deleted and if it's an identity column values can be skipped due to rollbacks.

like image 63
Aaron Bertrand Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 01:11

Aaron Bertrand