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Simple algorithm for mixing/obfuscating a string with pre-defined chars



I have a string as follows:

  • Its length is 10.
  • It represents base 36 and as such includes digits and uppercase letters.
  • The origin of the string is a sequence being generated by the database, (i.e. from 1 and up), that is being converted to base 36.

My problem is that the results of the conversion to base 36 conversion are also consecutive/sequential; for example:

    ID: 1402 -> 000000012Y    
    ID: 1403 -> 000000012Z    
    ID: 1404 -> 0000000130   
    ID: 1404 -> 0000000131  
    ID: 1404 -> 0000000132

I'm looking for a short simple algorithm that can mix the base 36 result where:

  • I can use only the allowed base 36 chars, (digits and uppercase letters).
  • The algorithm is just for obfuscating/mixing the base 36 string; I don't need encryption etc.
  • The main issue here is that the result won't be consecutive.
  • I need to have the ability to deobfuscate/demix the obfuscation result.

I tried it with some shifting chars logic but I'm stuck in the consecutive result issue.
I guess I need to add some mathematical aspect here.

I would appreciate any ideas as simple as possible and if possible then with code example.

like image 326
boomboom Avatar asked May 05 '13 12:05


2 Answers

What about having just an array with the 36 characters in a random order? Something like a One-time pad encryption but with a fixed pad:

static String source="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
static String target="Q5A8ZWS0XEDC6RFVT9GBY4HNU3J2MI1KO7LP";

public static String obfuscate(String s) {
    char[] result= new char[10];
    for (int i=0;i<s.length();i++) {
        char c=s.charAt(i);
        int index=source.indexOf(c);

    return new String(result);

public static String unobfuscate(String s) {
    char[] result= new char[10];
    for (int i=0;i<s.length();i++) {
        char c=s.charAt(i);
        int index=target.indexOf(c);

    return new String(result);

So a 10 characters string like "HELLO12345" becomes "0ZCCF2MI1K". Obfuscated, but not encrypted

like image 108
Pablo Lozano Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11

Pablo Lozano

Are you looking for something like this?

import java.util.Locale;

public class Obfuscate {

    //adjust to suit:
    final static int feistelRounds = 4;
    final static int randRounds = 4;
    final static int seed = 12345;

    // modulus for half a string:
    final static int mod = 60466176; //36^5

    private static int f (int x) {
        // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator
        final int a = 12+1;
        final int c = 1361423303;
        x = (x + seed) % mod;
        int r = randRounds;
        while (r-- != 0) {
            x = (a*x+c) % mod;
        return x;

    public static String obfuscate (int i) {
        int a = i / mod;
        int b = i % mod;
        int r = feistelRounds;
        while (r-- != 0) {
            a = (a + f(b)) % mod;
            b = (b + f(a)) % mod;
        return pad5(Integer.toString(a, 36)) + pad5(Integer.toString(b, 36));

    public static int illuminate (String s) {
        int a = Integer.valueOf(s.substring(0,5),36);
        int b = Integer.valueOf(s.substring(5,10),36);
        int r = feistelRounds;
        while (r-- != 0) {
            b = (b - f(a)) % mod;
            a = (a - f(b)) % mod;
        // make the modulus positive:
        a = (a + mod)%mod;
        b = (b + mod)%mod;

        return a*mod+b;

    public static String pad5(String s) {
        return String.format("%5s", s).replace(' ', '0').toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

    public static String pad10(String s) {
        return String.format("%10s", s).replace(' ', '0').toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

    // demonstration
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        for (int i = 0; i<20; i++) {
            System.out.printf("%08d -> %s -> %08d\n", i, obfuscate(i), illuminate(obfuscate(i)));


00000000 -> P2TH9ZW2VI -> 00000000
00000001 -> G47GI9ZR9S -> 00000001
00000002 -> 75LFRK3FO2 -> 00000002
00000003 -> Y6ZF0U742C -> 00000003
00000004 -> P8DE94ASGM -> 00000004
00000005 -> G9RDIEEGUW -> 00000005
00000006 -> 7B5CROI596 -> 00000006
00000007 -> YCJC0YLTNG -> 00000007
00000008 -> PDXB98PI1Q -> 00000008
00000009 -> GFBAIIT6G0 -> 00000009
00000010 -> 7GP9RSWUUA -> 00000010
00000011 -> YI39030J8K -> 00000011
00000012 -> PJH89D47MU -> 00000012
00000013 -> GKV7IN7W14 -> 00000013
00000014 -> 7M96RXBKFE -> 00000014
00000015 -> YNN607F8TO -> 00000015
00000016 -> PP159HIX7Y -> 00000016
00000017 -> GQF4IRMLM8 -> 00000017
00000018 -> 7RT3R1QA0I -> 00000018
00000019 -> YT730BTYES -> 00000019

Basically, this is a toy, totally non-secure, though fun to write, encryption algorithm. (Encryption really is what you asked for --- output that's unintelligible to others but reversible by you.) I've implemented a Feistel network (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feistel_cipher) using a simple prng as the f function.

The results are pretty, though, right? DES, as suggested above, would be more secure. But, if you'd rather reinvent the wheel (I struggle with that impulse a bit myself) and real security isn't a concern, this is a reasonable place to start. BTW, DES is also based on a Feistel network.

Actually, a non-encryption-based solution might exist, depending on your requirements. If this is, say, a coupon code that needs to be checked but not guessed, I'd just create a table in my database relating the id to a randomly-generated 10 character code (or add the code column to an existing table of coupons) and look them up as they come in. This would of course require the encoding and recovering software to have access to the same database, or to be able to communicate.

like image 24
maybeWeCouldStealAVan Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 05:11
