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Simple ajax form using javascript no jQuery


I'm working with a form for which the mark-up I can't change & can't use jQuery. Currently the form post the results to a new window. Is it possible to change this to an ajax form so that the results displays on submit instead without altering any mark-up? Pulling the results (mark-up) from the results page back to the form page.

Here is the mark-up for the form.

<form class="form-poll" id="poll-1225962377536" action="/cs/Satellite" target="_blank"> <div class="form-item">     <fieldset class="form-radio-group">         <legend><span class="legend-text">What mobile phone is the best?</span></legend>                 <div class="form-radio-item">                     <input type="radio" class="radio" value="1225962377541" name="option" id="form-item-1225962377541">                     <label class="radio" for="form-item-1225962377541">                         <span class="label-text">iPhone</span>                     </label>                 </div><!-- // .form-radio-item -->                 <div class="form-radio-item">                     <input type="radio" class="radio" value="1225962377542" name="option" id="form-item-1225962377542">                     <label class="radio" for="form-item-1225962377542">                         <span class="label-text">Android</span>                     </label>                 </div><!-- // .form-radio-item -->                 <div class="form-radio-item">                     <input type="radio" class="radio" value="1225962377543" name="option" id="form-item-1225962377543">                     <label class="radio" for="form-item-1225962377543">                         <span class="label-text">Symbian</span>                     </label>                 </div><!-- // .form-radio-item -->                 <div class="form-radio-item">                     <input type="radio" class="radio" value="1225962377544" name="option" id="form-item-1225962377544">                     <label class="radio" for="form-item-1225962377544">                         <span class="label-text">Other</span>                     </label>                 </div><!-- // .form-radio-item -->     </fieldset> </div><!-- // .form-item --> <div class="form-item form-item-submit">     <button class="button-submit" type="submit"><span>Vote now</span></button> </div><!-- // .form-item --> <input type="hidden" name="c" value="News_Poll"> <input type="hidden" class="pollId" name="cid" value="1225962377536"> <input type="hidden" name="pagename" value="Foundation/News_Poll/saveResult"> <input type="hidden" name="site" value="themouth"> 

Any tips/tutorial is much appreciated. :)

like image 705
calebo Avatar asked Aug 09 '11 02:08


People also ask

Can I use AJAX without jQuery?

Using Ajax requires jQuery, whilst it is a convenience, including the whole jQuery library for just Ajax is overboard. Here is a function that replaces Ajax (plus jQuery) and allows you to do GET, PUT, POST and DELETE HTTP calls. This is all done with XMLHttpRequest (XHR).

Can we use JavaScript without jQuery?

Don't get me wrong - jQuery is still a wonderful library and most often than not you will be better off using it. However, for smaller things like simple pages with limited JS interactions, browser extensions and mobile sites, you can use vanilla JS.

What is AJAX how it is used with and without jQuery?

AJAX is an acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a group of inter-related technologies like JavaScript, DOM, XML, HTML/XHTML, CSS, XMLHttpRequest etc. It allows us to send and receive data asynchronously without reloading the web page. So it is fast. The ajax() method in jQuery performs an AJAX request.

Can I make an AJAX call from JavaScript?

Another way to make AJAX calls in JavaScript is with the fetch() method. fetch() is an API utility method built into the web browser environment. It's a newer API than XMLHttpRequest , with modern features making it easier to use. I recommend you use fetch() for AJAX.

1 Answers

The following is a far more elegant solution of the other answer, more fit for modern browsers.

My reasoning is that if you need support for older browser you already most likely use a library like jQuery, and thus making this question pointless.

/**  * Takes a form node and sends it over AJAX.  * @param {HTMLFormElement} form - Form node to send  * @param {function} callback - Function to handle onload.   *                              this variable will be bound correctly.  */  function ajaxPost (form, callback) {     var url = form.action,         xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();      //This is a bit tricky, [].fn.call(form.elements, ...) allows us to call .fn     //on the form's elements, even though it's not an array. Effectively     //Filtering all of the fields on the form     var params = [].filter.call(form.elements, function(el) {         //Allow only elements that don't have the 'checked' property         //Or those who have it, and it's checked for them.         return typeof(el.checked) === 'undefined' || el.checked;         //Practically, filter out checkboxes/radios which aren't checekd.     })     .filter(function(el) { return !!el.name; }) //Nameless elements die.     .filter(function(el) { return el.disabled; }) //Disabled elements die.     .map(function(el) {         //Map each field into a name=value string, make sure to properly escape!         return encodeURIComponent(el.name) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(el.value);     }).join('&'); //Then join all the strings by &      xhr.open("POST", url);     // Changed from application/x-form-urlencoded to application/x-form-urlencoded     xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");      //.bind ensures that this inside of the function is the XHR object.     xhr.onload = callback.bind(xhr);       //All preperations are clear, send the request!     xhr.send(params); } 

The above is supported in all major browsers, and IE9 and above.

like image 83
Madara's Ghost Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 03:10

Madara's Ghost