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"sill pacote range manifest" means what?



When I run npm install, I always see a line of fetchMetadata: sill pacote range manifest for <pacakge name>. What is this 'sill' mean? and what is 'pacote'? Range? Manifest?

like image 919
Zhang Buzz Avatar asked Nov 03 '17 04:11

Zhang Buzz

1 Answers


After reading npmlog module source code (which is used by npm), I believe the word sill come from silly, which means the most detail log level in npm install process. There are 9 levels of log in npmlog: silent, error, warn, notice, http, timing, info, verbose, silly.

log.addLevel('silly', -Infinity, { inverse: true }, 'sill')


pacote is a module used by npm to download dependence packages metadata.

like image 64
Zhang Buzz Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11

Zhang Buzz