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Silent installation on Android devices

I've accepted for a while now that it's impossible to silently install an application on Android - that is, to have a program install an application bundled as an APK without providing the standard OS installation prompt and going through the app installer activity. But now I've picked up a copy of the Appbrain fast web installer, and it does exactly this.

How on earth is this possible? :D

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Adrian Avatar asked Aug 09 '10 09:08


People also ask

What is silent app installation?

Applications can be installed silently in Android devices without any involvement of the user. This method is used when an organization has to install some apps which are mandatory to the user and does not require the user's consent to install the application.

How do you put apps in kiosk mode on Android?

Go to Policies. Select an existing policy or create a new one by clicking New Policy. From Kiosk Lockdown > Android Kiosk Lockdown > select Single App/Multi App in accordance with the requirement. Click on Configure and add the required apps to the list.

2 Answers

I think the clue is pretty much in this statement I found here in the FAQ.

The fast web install worked for me yesterday, but it doesn't work anymore today. What's wrong?

The permission to install apps directly on your phone needs to be refreshed once every few days. Go back to the "Fast Web Install" app on your phone and click the button to give us the permission again. We are working on a future update that will optionally automatically refresh this setting.

I presume this is very similar to what Google does in the kill switch. I am assuming that the kill switch is an application on my device, just hidden from me. When Google wants to remove an application, it silently uninstalls it without asking for our permission. I am very sure this security hole is of their making. Now we just need to figure that out... =D

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Shouvik Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 09:10


You can ( in a very hackish way ) install apps silently using adb. You have to enable USB Debugging, but just push the APK to /data/app. ie:

adb push MyApp.apk /data/app

  • or -

adb install MyApp.apk (cleaner way)

The second command MAY prompt for an installation, I don't remember off the top of my head.

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ChrisSoyars Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10
