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Signing a DLL file after it's already signed?

Can I safely sign a DLL file with a new certificate (using Microsoft's SignTool) if the DLL is already signed without recompiling it?

Everything looks kosher after I do this, but I want to be 100% sure.

like image 944
zig Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 03:03


1 Answers

A digital signature can be appended to a DLL, as long as the SignTool option which follows is used for signing:

Appends this signature. If no primary signature is present, this signature is made the primary signature.

Multiple signing operations do not overwrite/replace the signature.

You might want to refer to Can I remove a digital signature from a DLL? for further reference.

Unsigntool allows to remove a signature from the PE section - I've never used it nor recommend the usage of this program so, use it at your own risk.

The difference - if any - between the files signed twice with or wihout the usage of the /as parameter can be seen with some tools like PE Explorer / PE Viewer which allows to see the PE section of the executable or DLL.

like image 128
fantaghirocco Avatar answered Apr 06 '23 22:04
