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Sidekiq - view completed jobs

Is it possible to somehow view sidekiq completed job list - for example, find all PurchaseWorkers with params (1)? Yesterday in my app delayed method that was supposed to run didn't and associated entity (lets say 'purchase') got stuck in limbo with state "processing". I am trying to understand whats the reason: job wasn't en-queued at all or was en-queued but for some reason exited unexpectedly. There were no errors in sidekiq log. Thanks.

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bigoldbrute Avatar asked Aug 18 '15 09:08


People also ask

How do I know if I have Sidekiq?

To test your Sidekiq Worker jobs array, run WorkerNameHere.jobs in terminal and see if it contains your job with your jid. If it does, then it was enqueued in Sidekiq to be run as a job.

Should I use Activejob Sidekiq?

There's no need to change all your existing jobs if you are already using Sidekiq through Active Job. You don't have to use one or the other, you can define and use both at the same time.

How many employees does Sidekiq have?

Today Sidekiq uses a default concurrency of 25. These means Sidekiq will spawn 25 worker threads and execute up to 25 jobs concurrently in a process.

2 Answers

This is old but I wanted to see the same thing since I'm not sure if jobs I scheduled ran or not!

Turns out, Sidekiq doesn't have anything built in to see jobs that completed and still doesn't seem to.

If it err'd and never completes it should be in the 'dead' queue. But to check that something actually ran seems to be beyond Sidekiq by default.

The FAQ suggests installing 3rd party plugins to track and log information: https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/FAQ#how-can-i-tell-when-a-job-has-finished One of them allows for having a callback to do follow up (maybe add a record for completed jobs elsewhere?)

You can also setup Sidekiq to log to somewhere other than STDOUT (default) so you can output log information about your jobs. In this case, logging that it's complete or catching errors if for some reason it is never landing in the retrying or dead jobs queue when there is a problem. See https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/Logging

To see jobs still in queue you can use the Rails console and look at the queue by queue name https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/sidekiq/Sidekiq/Queue

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Pheonix7284 Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09


One option is the default stats provided by sidekiq - https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/Monitoring#using-the-built-in-dashboard

The best options is to use the Web UI provided here - https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/Monitoring#web-ui

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Ben Nelson Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09

Ben Nelson