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Shuffling a Deck of Cards , Redundancy after swapping two values



I was asked to write a program(mainly a method) for shuffling a deck of cards. I wrote the following program:

public class Deck {

// Data Members

private Card[] cards; // array holding all 52 cards
private int cardsInDeck; // the current number of cards in the deck

public static final int DECK_SIZE = 52;

 * Shuffles the deck (i.e. randomly reorders the cards in the deck). 
public void shuffle() {
    int newI;
    Card temp;
    Random randIndex = new Random();

    for (int i = 0; i < cardsInDeck; i++) {

        // pick a random index between 0 and cardsInDeck - 1
        newI = randIndex.nextInt(cardsInDeck);

        // swap cards[i] and cards[newI]
        temp = cards[i];
        cards[i] = cards[newI];
        cards[newI] = temp;


But there is a logical error in the above shuffle method which is as follows: Suppose I replace Card Number 4 with Card Number 42, then I'm swapping two times. I'm wondering is there any way of not doing this?

I checked one post here :Shuffling a deck of cards

But it didn't make sense to me.

like image 789
Tan Avatar asked May 01 '13 06:05


People also ask

What are the odds of shuffling a deck of cards the same twice?

The chances that anyone has ever shuffled a pack of cards (fairly) in the same way twice in the history of the world, or ever will again, are infinitesimally small. The number of possible ways to order a pack of 52 cards is '52! ' (“52 factorial”) which means multiplying 52 by 51 by 50… all the way down to 1.

How do you evenly shuffle cards?

Use your thumbs to draw the corners upward, draw the two halves of the deck closer together, then let the cards fall—like a regular shuffle, but only using a small corner of the deck. The very corners of the cards should now be shuffled together. Push the interconnected cards back together, square the deck, and repeat.

How many times should you shuffle a new deck of cards?

Jim Reeds at Bell Laboratories and showed that a deck is perfectly mixed if it is shuffled between 5 and 20 times. Next, Dr. Diaconis worked with Dr. Aldous and showed that it takes 5 to 12 shuffles to perfectly mix a deck.

How many perfect shuffles does it take to reset a deck of cards?

The result in that cell is 8, which is the number of perfect shuffles required to restore a 52-card deck to its original order.

2 Answers

I'm wondering is there any way of not doing this?

Absolutely. Instead of swapping one card with any other, simply swap one card with a later one.

So at any point, you're really picking which card is going to be in slot i from "all the remaining cards" which haven't been picked. It's conceptually equivalent to starting with one list of cards, and removing cards at random to place in the new shuffled collection. The fact that you're actually swapping locations while you're doing that is irrelevant, as at any point you'll be picking uniformly randomly from the remaining slots.

Read the Wikipedia article on the Fisher-Yates shuffle for more information.

(Some implementations swap from the end, so element x is swapped with a random element in the range [0, x]. That's equivalent to what I described, just mirrored. Personally I find it easier to think of the first part of the collection as being the shuffled part at any point, but that's a failing on my part rather than an inherent difference.)

Also bear in mind that if you use a List<Card>, you can use Collections.shuffle and avoid having to write the code for this at all.

like image 102
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 17:11

Jon Skeet

You can compare your implementation with Collections.shuffle, that one definitely works right, this is a snippet from src

  // Shuffle array
  for (int i=size; i > 1; i--)
      swap(arr, i-1, rnd.nextInt(i));


   private static void swap(Object[] arr, int i, int j) {
        Object tmp = arr[i];
        arr[i] = arr[j];
        arr[j] = tmp;
like image 43
Evgeniy Dorofeev Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 17:11

Evgeniy Dorofeev