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Shuffle in Python

Is there a straightforward way to RETURN a shuffled array in Python rather than shuffling it in place?

e.g., instead of

x = [array]

I'm looking for something like

y = shuffle(x)

which maintains x.

Note, I am not looking for a function, not something like:

like image 442
Jeff Avatar asked Oct 28 '11 15:10


2 Answers

sorted with a key function that returns a random value:

import random
sorted(l, key=lambda *args: random.random())


import os
sorted(l, key=os.urandom)
like image 117
Austin Marshall Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Austin Marshall

It would be pretty simple to implement your own using random. I would write it as follows:

def shuffle(l):
    l2 = l[:]           #copy l into l2
    random.shuffle(l2)  #shuffle l2
    return l2           #return shuffled l2
like image 38
Aaron Dufour Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Aaron Dufour