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Showing Images with carousel effect in android


Hi I want to have image gallery like this.I have tried using jazzyviewpager.It's good but doesn't have this effect. can anybody tell me how can i achieve this effect for showing images.

like image 691
Manoj Avatar asked May 28 '13 07:05


People also ask

What is carousel view Android?

Carousel is a motion helper object to easily build custom "carousel" views – showing a list of elements that a user can skim through. Compared to other solutions to implement such views, this helper lets you quickly create complex motion and dimension changes for your carousel by taking advantage of MotionLayout .

1 Answers

You can extend the gallery view class, use setStaticTransformationsEnabled(true) and handle item transformations by yourself in getChildStaticTransformation .

EDIT: One way to do achieve this goal, is available in as a sample in a tutorial I wrote, here: http://code.google.com/p/android-3d-carousel-view/ . However this is not exactly what you need, just a starting point that you can modify further on. The important aspect is to learn how to use getChildStaticTransformation .

like image 137
radhoo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09
