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Show sourcemaps in Chrome network tab

I am starting to use source maps for my SASS code for debugging in Chrome.

The way I understood it to work was that Chrome requested in the stylesheet resource and the .map resource, yet I only see the stylesheet showing up in the network tab.

I know it's there and I know it's working as I can see the extra information from the source map in the elements tab and sources tab.

I also know I don't explicitly need to see it in the network tab as it won't load if the user doesn't have the flag set in developer tools, but I expected to see it loaded as a normal request like everything else, since I imagine it gets loaded in like every other resource? I guess it's just peace of mind to be shown absolutely everything being loaded in. I'm trying to make a highly performant site and I don't really wan't to be in the dark about requests the browser is making!

So, is there any way to get source maps to show in the network tab?

like image 514
Jonathon Blok Avatar asked Jul 09 '15 15:07

Jonathon Blok

1 Answers

This is the result of a change that was mentioned here (perhaps not directly as a solution to this ticket, but discussed here): https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=362913

The basic thinking is that source maps aren't actually part of the regular page resources, and the goal of the network pane is to show you what a normal page load would involve. So, bottom line: no, there is no way to force the maps to load.

like image 79
Scott Buchanan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09

Scott Buchanan