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Show modification (new and edited files) since a given date




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How do I find out where a file was modified after a date?

File Explorer has a convenient way to search recently modified files built right into the “Search” tab on the Ribbon. Switch to the “Search” tab, click the “Date Modified” button, and then select a range. If you don't see the “Search” tab, click once in the search box and it should appear.

How to get list of changed files in TFS?

In Source Control Explorer click the folder that contains the files you want to check and hit the Compare Folders button. This will let you see everything that is different between the server source path and the local path. You can also use this to compare the differences between two changesets just like history.

How to check modified files in Visual studio?

Visual Studio maintains a history of file changes. Modified files are marked with a red check mark in the Solution Explorer. You can compare your changes with the original file by right-clicking on the file name and selecting Compare with Unmodified. The Diff window shows new code in green and removed code in red.

What is the modified date on a file?

The modified date of a file or folder represents the last time that file or folder was updated. If you're having trouble with the modified dates of your files or folders, check out these frequently-asked questions.

Open the Source Control Explorer in Visual studio (View->Other Windows->Source Control Explorer), and select the top folder for your project. Then right-click and view history.

This will show all check-ins for all code in this folder ordered by date. Then select two dates from the list of check-ins, right click and choose "Compare". For example if you wanted to see all of the code changed in the past month click the most recent checkin and the checkin from a month ago.

This will show all of the code changed since those two points in time. You can also choose just the past date to compare against your current code. This works in VS2015 which is what I'm using right now. Good Luck.

Use the command line

tf history -noprompt -server:http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/TeamProjectName/path
          -version:D2006-12-01T01:01:01Z~D2006-12-13T20:00:00Z -recursive
          -format:detailed -login:DOMAIN\name,password"

change the dates in the version flag to what you need and it should get you what you want.

If you open the menu item File->Source Control->Find In Source Control->Changesets... (you must be in Source Control Explorer for this to be available). This will open the Find Changesets dialog. You can then search for change sets by date on a given source folder.

The down side is that you then have to click the details button on each change set to see which files were changed (Double Clicking closes the dialog).

If you are searching for changes this may be the better way. It will allow more interactive searching. If you are trying to print out a report for others to read (or for Change Documentation) then the command line way shown by Alex is better.

Open the Source Control Explorer in VS10 (View->TeamExplorer->Source Control Explorer) and right click to project and click Compare. You can see different options for view. I normally use "Show items that are different" in order to see difference between local and server.