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Show how counting semaphores can be implemented using only binary semaphores and ordinary machine instructions?

I am studying for a midterm and this was one of the practice questions: Show how counting semaphores (i.e, semaphores that can hold an arbitrary value) can be implemented using only binary semaphores and ordinary machine instructions?

I'm not even sure where so start. I found this online;

P(s) { Pb(mutex_s); s = s-1; if(s < 0) {Vb(mutex_s); Pb(delay_s);} Vb(mutex_s); }
V(s) { Pb(mutex_s); s = s+1; if(s <= 0) Vb(delay_s); else Vb(mutex_s); }

Unfortunately, I don't really understand what the answer is telling me. Can anyone explain this answer to me, or show me in pseudo code how to answer?

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Sarah Avatar asked Feb 27 '13 16:02


People also ask

What are semaphores explain binary and counting semaphores with an example?

A semaphore is a signaling mechanism, and a thread that is waiting on a semaphore can be signaled by another thread. It uses two atomic operations, 1) Wait, and 2) Signal for the process synchronization. A semaphore either allows or disallows access to the resource, which depends on how it is set up.

Why you use binary semaphores instead of counting semaphores?

A binary semaphore is restricted to values of zero or one, while a counting semaphore can assume any nonnegative integer value. A binary semaphore can be used to control access to a single resource. In particular, it can be used to enforce mutual exclusion for a critical section in user code.

1 Answers

I built the following intuition on Prahbat's answer:

What we are trying to replicate:

  • Counting Semaphore implies at most N threads are allowed to access a resource

We can do this using binary semaphores:

  • The counting semaphore locks access to a thread's critical section if there are N processes already in their critical section
    • => We need a binary semaphore sectionLock that tells waiting threads if they can access their critical section (sectionLock = 1) or they cannot (sectionLock = 0)
  • We have to keep track of number of threads accessing the resource in their critical section. Let this counter be an integer count
    • count decremented on thread entering critical section (i.e. one spot less for a thread in this resource) and incremented on thread exiting critical section (i.e. one spot freed up for a thread in this resource)
    • => count is a shared resource and should only be accessed by one thread at a time
    • => we need a binary semaphore, countLock, for count
  • If count <= 0 then we cannot allow anymore threads into critical section and must wait for sectionLock to be released by an exiting thread

Thus the following pseudocode suggests itself

P_counting( int count )
   P( countLock )        // Acquire lock to count: countLock <- 0
   if( count <= 0 )      // If no more threads allowed into critical section
      P( sectionLock )   // Resource full => Acquire section lock: sectionLock <- 0
      V( countLock )     // Release lock to count: countLock <- 1
      V( countLock)

V_counting( int count )
   P( countLock )
   if( count > 0)        // Release sectionLock if resource is freed up
      V(sectionLock)     // countLock released after sectionLock so that waiting
      V(countLock)       // threads do not jump in when before resource is available

Please let me know if I have got something wrong.

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Osman Malik Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10

Osman Malik