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Show Explorer's properties dialog for a file in Windows

Is there an easy way to show the properties dialog for a file in Windows using Python?

I'm trying to show the same window that pops up when you right click a file in Explorer and choose Properties.

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Gary Hughes Avatar asked Nov 02 '11 18:11

Gary Hughes

People also ask

How do you display the Properties dialog box for a folder or file?

To view information about a file or folder, right-click it and select Properties. You can also select the file and press Alt + Enter . The file properties window shows you information like the type of file, the size of the file, and when you last modified it.

How do I show properties in File Explorer?

To access the properties of a file or folder, right-click on it and select Properties. You can also Alt-click on a file or folder to access its properties.

How do I access the Properties dialog box?

To open a properties dialog box where you can add or edit all the properties at once and view document information, click Properties at the top of the page, and then click Advanced Properties.

1 Answers

The way to do this is to call the Windows ShellExecuteEx() API passing the properties verb. There are various high-level Python wrappers of this but I have not succeeded in getting any of them to work with the properties verb. Instead I would use good old ctypes.

import time
import ctypes
import ctypes.wintypes


class SHELLEXECUTEINFO(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = (

ShellExecuteEx = ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteEx
ShellExecuteEx.restype = ctypes.wintypes.BOOL

sei.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(sei)
sei.lpVerb = "properties"
sei.lpFile = "C:\\Desktop\\test.txt"
sei.nShow = 1

The reason I put in the call to sleep is that the properties dialog is shown as a window in the calling process. If the Python executable terminates immediately following the call to ShellExecuteEx, then there is nothing there to service the dialog and it does not show.

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David Heffernan Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 06:12

David Heffernan