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Show div base on onchange from dropdown option, help

I try to show some information inside of <div> as following:

    <div id="show_details" style="'display:block;' : 'display:none;'"> SHOW me

by choose from drop down option e.g.

         <?php if ($books == 'art') { ?>
          <option value="art" selected="selected" id="art_indicator" onchange="(this.selected) ? $('#show_details').css('display','block') : $('#show_details').css('display','none');">Art</option>
          <?php } else { ?>
          <option value="art" id="art_indicator" onchange="(this.selected) ? $('#show_details').css('display','block') : $('#show_details').css('display','none');">Art</option>
          <?php } ?>

and the full code as following,

      <td>Book Option</td>
      <select name="books">
        <?php  foreach ($others as $other) { ?>
          <?php if ($other == $other['other']) { ?>
          <option value="<?php echo $other['other']; ?>" selected="selected"><?php echo $other['title']; ?></option>
          <?php } else { ?>
          <option value="<?php echo $other['other']; ?>"><?php echo $other['title']; ?></option>
          <?php } ?>
          <?php } ?>

          <?php if ($books == 'art') { ?>
          <option value="art" selected="selected" id="art_indicator" onchange="(this.selected) ? $('#show_details').css('display','block') : $('#show_details').css('display','none');">Art</option>
          <?php } else { ?>
          <option value="art" id="art_indicator" onchange="(this.selected) ? $('#show_details').css('display','block') : $('#show_details').css('display','none');">Art</option>
          <?php } ?>
    <div id="show_details" style="'display:block;' : 'display:none;'"> SHOW me

Is there some way to fix this?

like image 229
omc11 Avatar asked Oct 24 '22 19:10


1 Answers

<script type="text/javascript">

function showDiv()
  // hide any showing

  // our target
  var target = "#details_" + $("#test_select").val();                                                                                                                                

  // does it exist?
  if( $(target).length > 0 )
    // show it


  // bind it

  // run it automagically


<select id="test_select">
  <option value="">- Select - </option>
  <option value="book" selected="selected">Books</option>
  <option value="movie">Movie</option>

<div id="details_book" class="details_div">BOOK DETAILS</div>
<div id="details_movie" class="details_div">MOVIE DETAILS</div>
like image 91
Josh Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 10:10
