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Show both logo and app name in action bar android

i have set these two lines of code to display both logo and app name in action bar, but only app name appears, like in the screenshot:

enter image description here


Do i need other code to show both? I have added this in manifest but same result:


I'm working on a Tabbed activity with action bar.

Can you help me? Thank you

like image 995
slash89mf Avatar asked Nov 21 '14 20:11


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All action buttons and other items available in the action overflow are defined in an XML menu resource. To add actions to the action bar, create a new XML file in your project's res/menu/ directory. The app:showAsAction attribute specifies whether the action should be shown as a button on the app bar.

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1 Answers

Solved adding


Using logo in actionbar is disabled by default in Android 5.0 Lollipop.

like image 83
slash89mf Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 17:11
